
Welcome Back 2022

Today, Friday 4/02/2022 we welcome to Newlands our Foundation students for 2022. A very smooth and calm first day it was for all. A big thank you to the parents for their cooperation given the restrictions that Covid has placed on our usual start to the year, we do hope these restrictions will be reviewed very soon.

Unfortunately we still have some staffing issues, but we expect these to be resolved very shortly. The following teachers continue to be unavailable for the next week and we will continue to place teachers familiar to the students until your child's teacher can return to school. 

F/1 Area

Jacqui is replaced by Jess Dang.

2/3 Area

Angelica is replaced by Sonya and Nikki

2/3 Area


As of Monday we welcome Imogen to the classroom. She has been appointed as the Spanish classroom teacher, who will be team teaching with Isabelle. Imogen has been working with us in 2021 as our Spanish Language Aide. Now as a registered teacher she will be delivering the Spanish program along side Isabelle.


We seemed to still currently having issues with Sentral. We are working to resolve this issue and apologies for the  inconvenience, but this situation will be resolved ASAP.

RAT tests

We have dispensed all of the RAT tests to all students. This was completed on Wednesday. If you haven't seen the box please check your child's bag. The next batch of tests will be sent home with your child on Monday 13/02/2022. Please do not contact the school asking for more tests as we only have enough for our students and teachers. 

School Newsletters

The newsletter for 2022 will be published fortnightly, however from time to time we may also publish a brief newsletter in between these newsletters. The fortnightly newsletter content will mainly come the classrooms, Specialist, Administration and leadership.