Principal's News 

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Jesus' miraculous resurrection on the third day 

is a sure sign that God has triumphed over death. 

It brings new hope for people of faith. 

This time last year we were commencing the period of lockdown and coming to terms with the change that we were required to make to ensure the safety of our whole school community.


This for all  of us was a huge upheaval. Our daily living was about to have an abrupt change.  I was speaking to a parent during the week and our discussion was of the fortunate time that we have had this school year with no significant change in our children coming to school.  Our friends in Queensland are now managing the same change of last year and their lives are thrown into disarray.


In the Lenten period which we are now completing, we were also in a period of change and conversion to become more Christlike. 


This week we have recounted the final stage of Jesus' life.  The beautiful prayerful reenactment by all of our classes this week of the Christain story was a timely reminder of the real reason for Easter.  It is not the Easter eggs that we are happy to have, although our children do enjoy the chocolate and fun, but the new life, the change and conversion that we have experienced to become more active Christan followers.  Jesus is a model for living and more than an object of worship.  


There was a huge disruption to our lives with COVID.  Hopefully the changes made through Lent will have an effect on our spiritual and daily living.  Christ prays in us and through us.


If you haven’t been able to attend this week's Holy Week prayerful celebrations please check out the Facebook page.  Add your likes, shares and spread the word.


May the Easter period be a prayerful and happy time with your families and friends.


Thank you for Term 1.


The onset of the warm weather is a great way to commence the term break.  The past ten week period has been another successful educational time in our community.


A huge thank you to our children, especially our Preps and new children in other levels, to our wonderful teachers and to Mums and Dads.  


The autumn time ahead is always a terrific time to rest and rejuvenate before the cooler months approach us.


Term 2 commences on Monday 19th of April.


Faith in our Future

