Reflections on Faith 

From the desk of the Religious Education Coordinator - Miss McMeniman

Holy Week

As we enter Holy Week and reflect on the journey Jesus took and the events which unfolded, we need to stop and reflect on our own journeys. Jesus was faced with rejection and suffering, which we all will throughout our lives, but learning from Jesus, it is how we deal with these rejections and sufferings which will shape the people we are tomorrow. Everyone is on an individual journey and we don't know all the hardships, rejections and sufferings they have endured to be where they are today, so throughout this Easter period, remind ourselves to be kind, considerate and understanding. Although the Lenten period is nearly over, continue to do small acts which may brighten someone else's day. 


As a school community this week we have many activities planned. On Tuesday, our School Leaders and Confirmation Candidates from year 6 will be travelling by bus to the Armidale Catholic Cathedral to celebrate the Chrism Mass alongside parishioners, staff and students of the Armidale Diocese. We wish them safe travels and an enjoyable day!


Wednesday we are celebrating the Stations of the Cross, where K-6 will be coming together to reflect. This reflective journey will be led by the Stage 3 students, who have learnt about and prepared each station for the younger students. 


Holy Thursday is our last day of school for the term with activities organised by the SRC. It will be an eventful and enjoyable last day of school!


I hope everyone has a happy and safe Easter break and I will see you all next term!