Staff News

Getting to know our teachers

In the coming issues we will be profiling some of the new faces we have welcomed this year as teachers to our ASC classrooms. 


First up .... Mr Nick McMullen!


What is your role at ASC?

English Teacher


Why have you chosen to be a teacher?

I've chosen teaching in order to keep my mind and skills sharp. Teaching is best way to ensure you know your topic/KLA inside and out. I've also chosen teaching to see the satisfaction of students of that 'a-ha' moment when they learn something. 


What can you cook to perfection?

Enchiladas! I love Mexican cuisine and rich flavourful food. 


What are some pets you’ve had or would like to own?

I currently care for two crustaceans. Snip and Snap are pair of hermit crabs that live almost permanently on the heat mat in their enclosure. They are very easy to care for and love to climb and fall off any high place they can access. I'd love to one day to have a dog or a cat as crabs aren't very affectionate :)


What is your favourite thing about your role?

My favourite thing about being an English teacher at ASC is being able to teach a wide variety of texts and showing students texts that may interest them and build a love of reading. 


What is your favourite book to read?

'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald. His language creates such vivid images. I love a mix of classic literature and contemporary novels, particularly science-fiction. 


How do you relax after work?

I like to break up some fire wood while the sun is still up and get the fire ready for the evening. Then after it's going I put my feet up in front of the fire ... sometimes even cooking a meal over the fire is nice too. 

Principal's Secondment

Ms Lasker has accepted an opportunity to work with the Rural and Distance Education Group for the remainder of 2021. In this role she will be focused on developing an alternative curriculum to support the learning of Stage 4 and Stage 5 students and achieve a RoSA.


Mr Breen will fill the position of Principal (Relieving) for the remainder of Term 2, while an Expression of Interest will be issued for the position for Terms 3 & 4.