

The 2021 LPS Grades 3-6 Cross Country was held at Lloyd Park on Tuesday 27th April. Our 9 & 10-year-old girls and boys ran 2km and our 11 &12 year old girls and boys ran 3km in what turned out to be excellent running weather on the day. Some students experienced a range of emotions before, during and after running, as the distances can seem a little daunting, however all students showed great determination and effort to finish the race and persist until the end. There were some outstanding performances and there were some close and exciting finishes too. 


Congratulations to all the students who participated, and to those who will be attending the District Cross Country  on Monday 24th May at Hastings Foreshore. Below is the list of standings for each race with the first 10 students qualifying for District.


I would like to thank the many parent volunteers for giving their time to help with the event, from those who walked with students and teachers, and to those who spent time manning different positions on the course, for the entirety of the event. These events cannot be run successfully without your contributions. I would also like to thank all the staff whose efforts are equally important to running these events.



Mr Smith