Global Studies, Science, Visual Arts, P.E
Global Studies, Science, Visual Arts, P.E
It has been a busy few weeks of second term setting students up and getting them ready for Whole School Cross Country. I want to congratulate all students who participated and gave it their all. A big well done to students who placed and will represent Kilsyth Primary in District Cross Country, it is a considerable achievement, and you should be very proud. I will be sending a letter home to students who placed; please ask your child if they would like to attend district as it is not compulsory. In some age groups, we had placed that walked due to numbers; if students walked the School cross country and placed for the District Cross Country, please inform them they will need to try their hardest to run the course at Lilydale Lake.
Foundation students are working hard in class to keep their bodies moving. We are developing the ‘ball bounce’ skill this term. The focus for the last two weeks is becoming familiar with the ball through bouncing, throwing and catching. Students were involved in a ‘see if you can…’ activity; this involved hand-eye coordination and listening skills to successfully perform the task.
Junior students have been working on becoming familiar with using a bat and a ball. They are developing their ‘Two-handed side-arm strike’, which is the focus for this term. Each week we will focus on a different step of the Two-handed side-arm strike’ so students gain an understanding of the skill and have time to practice.
Middle and Senior students will both be working on their kicking skills, particularly the ‘punt kick’. However, a focus on foot-eye coordination will support them in completing a punt kick correctly. Like the junior students, we will be focusing on different steps each week; this is so students can master one skill before moving on and bringing all stages together.
Keep up the great work!
Kate Green
Welcome to Term 2! This term, we move onto new units of work. Thank you to those parents who helped out cleaning equipment that most definitely needed it! Your help is always much appreciated.
Foundation - Textiles - Students will be exploring different types of fabrics and using scraps to collage the letter of their name. We will move on to creating sock snakes and finish with looking at the elements of art using Dr. Suess and The Lorax as our artist study.
Junior School - Modelling - Students have begun this unit learning modelling techniques such as rolling using playdough. They will move on to using Plasticine, Magiclay and Air Dry Clay and use these techniques to make small modelling projects.
Middle School - Construction - Students have begun this messy but fun unit of work by creating piggy banks using paper mache. They have currently completed the first layer and they are looking super cute. These projects can be time consuming by the time they have constructed the armature, the layers and the painting process. They will move on to making hot air balloons towards the end of term.
Senior School - Printmaking - We have started the term finishing off last terms collage works! They have taken longer than anticipated (but are stunning!). We then move on to printmaking. We will look at the different types of printmaking and will be using printing foam and lino while taking inspiration from artists Hokusai and James Gulliver Hancock.
We are looking forward to a great term ahead!
Rebecca Bertrand