Weekly Wellbeing 

Weekly Wellbeing Suggestions 

As a Wellbeing team, we want to be sure we are keeping current and relevant in what we share with you each week.  To do this we would like to offer a chance for anyone to tell us directly, something that you might benefit from that we can write about.  So, if you have a Wellbeing related topic you would like us to write about, or a wellbeing question that we might be able to answer, let us know and we can write something up for you!  You can email Julie.reid2@education.vic.gov.au with your suggestion or question. 

Thank you everyone for the Warm Welcome Back 

I, Cheyenne, just wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone for welcoming me back to the CHPS community in such a warm and supportive way.  It is truly a joy to be back working with the Croydon Hills Primary School team once again!

Encouraging Mums (and all nurturing parents) this coming Mothers' Day

As we know, Mothers' Day is less than two weeks away, on Sunday May 9th. This means there is just enough time to plan some ways that we can encourage our mothers (or nurturing parents/ guardians) before the day gets here.  As we know every family is unique, that means not all families have the same way of celebrating Mothers' Day. Sometimes one family will have one mum, sometimes more than one mum.  Sometimes the biological mum fills the mother role in a family, sometimes other family members will take on the tasks, duties and provide the nurturing presence that the family requires. Whatever your family dynamic, Mothers' Day can be a great opportunity to stop and show appreciation and encouragement for those Mother-like figures in our life that help to support and take care of us. 

This Mothers' Day I would like to challenge our students to get creative in the way they are going to encourage their mothers.  One way to be creative would be, instead of buying something for mum, we could make mum a gift.  Making a coupon book filled with things you know mum likes you to do (e.g., do the dishes, make mums bed for her, make mum a cup of tea etc.)  Some other creative ideas might include writing mum a song, drawing her a picture or making her a short video. There are so many ways to help encourage mums. Helping show appreciation and encouragement to someone who loves us and takes care of us is hugely important in ensuring that we are developing strong relational skills. So, let’s be sure we can find some time to support and encourage our mother figures this Mothers' Day.  Below are some additional Mothers' Day resources. 


"Great moms like you inspire their children to do, see, and be more." - Unknown 


History of Mothers' Day - https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/mothers-day


 Mothers' Day Crafts - https://www.wgu.edu/heyteach/article/mothers-day-ideas-for-teachers-to-make-sure-everyone-is-included1805.html

Cheyenne Mason, on behalf of the Wellbeing team