What's Happening at CHPS 

Sports News

House Cross Country

Thank you so much to all the volunteers for contacting me and making this event happen. We have the correct number of helpers. Thank you to Nikki Edwards for communicating this to our school community and putting it on the CHAPS Facebook page. 

If you received an email from me and the map, please meet me at the marquee at 8.50am or as soon as you can. That way we can get everyone out on the track quickly and get the races underway. 

Races will start with the 12/13 Year boys first at roughly about 9.15am.  We will then run down the age groups with the boys first, then the girls and ending with the Year 10 and Under Girls. 

Interschool Sport

Thank you to the parents who have volunteered so far to help out with the different sports. We still need some parents to help out with the Soccer team, Netball Beginners team and the two Girls' Softball teams.  If you are able to help out on a Friday afternoon, please let us know.  You don’t need to be from the Senior school, anyone who is a member of the Croydon Hills Primary School Community is welcome to help out. 

Team Vic Trials

This week the Team Vic trials commenced in what we call the BIG 5:

Cricket, Basketball, AFL, Soccer & Netball.

So far we have had Jack B (SEC) and Riley M ( SEC) trial for the AFL.  Both boys did really well, but only Jack made it through to the next level.  Congratulations Jack, we look forward to watching your progress.

James V  (SRT) trialled our for Soccer but was unsuccessful, however what a great effort to be chosen by the school as our elite Soccer player.  Great effort James!

Congratulation to Ella P (SJC) for competing in the Girls Soccer competition.  She will now progress to the Regional finals. 

Today we have Nathan H ( SKG) and Spencer P ( SKG) competing in the Cricket Trials.  We wish you boys the best of luck today.

In the next few weeks will be also seeing how Cooper J (SRT) goes in the Basketball trials.

Noreen McMenaman  -  PE/Sport

Making the Numbers Add Up