
Bernie Murnane


Containers For Change

Late last year the College registered for Containers for Change thanks to Mrs Hickman. It was thought that the Student Council could drive this as a major fundraiser for the College. We now have designated recycle bins at each dorm to assist in this process. All claimable containers can be placed in these bins, cleaned and with the lids removed. The lids can be placed in other bins.


Parents and other family members are welcome to donate their containers to the students by quoting the Scheme ID #10284074 when dropping off containers at recycling depots. Some parents have already started doing this and the contribution is very much appreciated.


This initiative is not only doing something fantastic for the environment and our planet but is an easy way to assist the Student Council with their fundraising efforts.


A big thank you to Cooper Pearson and his family who organised to have a couple of IBC containers dropped off at the College to store the containers in before we take them into town.


Country Week 

Country Week trainings has commenced with many different sports training of an afternoon/evenings during the week. 


Monday -  Girls Volleyball

Tuesday - approximately 55 students training for Girls Basketball, Girls Netball, Mixed Hockey and AFL. Fantastic to see all those students actively participating. 

Wednesday - Boys Volleyball

Thursday - Boys Basketball


The training details are also listed in HAC CHAT each day. Thanks to all the coaches giving up their time and the students who are competing.


Leavers Jackets & Laundry

The new Leavers Jackets arrived last week and they look great. After seeing the massive pile of them in the laundry, I spoke with Mrs Green who informed me they are very difficult to get dry. Can we ask that they are to be worn for more than one Class day, before being put into the laundry for washing.


Whilst talking to Mrs Green it was also pointed out that the “Woollen” Class jumpers are also regularly worn once and put in for Laundering. This is not good for the jumpers and they are also difficult to get dry, particularly in the damp weather.


Student Quiz Night - SAVE THE DATE!

A reminder that the Student Quiz night is on again this year. It is scheduled for Thursday 24 June in the Dining Room. It is always a lot of fun, so make sure you put the date in the diary and keep the night free!


This Week's Dorm Winners

Congratulations to the following students who have received this week’s Tidiest Room Awards:

Hayward – James Principe

Hoffman – Robert Pepall

Stirling – Lachlan Gardner

Tallanalla – Heidi Blurton

Gibbs – Sam Cox

Korijekup – Erin Donaghy

Mornington – Samuel Ferrari

Logue – Louis McCully