Extra Curricular

Galilee Netball Fundraiser

A successful school fundraiser with many Galilee children and parents working hard all day to serve a bbq and treats to the local netball community.


Year 2 also had their first netball game and played so well and had lots of fun.


Year 6 and Year 5 netball teams also had a great start to the season and won their first games against Clovelly Public and St Margaret Mary’s.


Thank you to the volunteers who assisted with the BBQ. You are all truly appreciated. 

2021 Term 2 Chess Classes

Chess classes for Term Two will be offered on Monday after school  (3.10 – 4.10pm) under the expertise of International Chess Master Irina Berezina. The first class will begin on Monday 3 May. You are welcome to enrol. 


If your son/daughter would like to enrol for this term, please fill in the following google link. Your child need not have any experience in Chess and complete beginners including those who have never played with us before are open to enrol.


Kindergarten children are also welcome to enrol.



If you have any questions, please contact Chess Masters: Mobile: 0415593192

Email: irina@chessmasters.com.au