Curriculum News  

Rise to the Challenge 


Students in Years 3 and 5 will be sitting for NAPLAN in Week 4 of this term. As this year, the test is online, it will extend over a two week period commencing on 11 May, 2021.


Students in Years 3 will hand write their writing test on Tuesday 11 May; they will use school devices and self supplied headphones, in their own classrooms, to complete the other tests. Students in Year 5 will use school devices and self supplied headphones to complete all tests. The School will ensure all devices are set up with the software required for the testing and Specialist IT support will be available on the day. The students have had Practice opportunities in classroom settings during Term 1 and into this term.


The public demonstration site contains FAQs and access to some practice items to allow students to become familiar with the layout of the online tests. Parents and carers may find this information from NESA useful and can also visit the Parent Information page. You are invited to contact the school if you have further questions about NAPLAN online in 2021.


NAPLAN 2021 Tests

11 - 21 May 2021


Monday 10 May

Tuesday 11


Wednesday 12 May

Thursday 13 May

Friday 14 May

8.50 - 9.50

Preparation day 

Year 3 Writing (paper)


Year 3 Reading 




Year 5 Writing (online)


Year 5 




Monday 17 May

Tuesday 18


Wednesday 19 May

Thursday 20 May

Friday 21 May 

8.50 - 9.50

 Year 3 Language Conventions  

Year 3 Numeracy 


9.50 – 10.50

 Year 5 Language Conventions 

Year 5 Numeracy   




University of NSW Competitions

This year we will again be offering our students an opportunity to participate in ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools). 


Participation is not compulsory but please keep in mind these tests are very challenging and students are assessed on content that is not taught in the regular classroom program.

All participating students will receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating their correct responses and their total score as well as their average compared with other students in their cohort across the State/region.


Please note that the ICAS testing is online and students will sit the test before school at 7:45am. Students will be given a ChromeBook to complete the test or if your child is in years 5 and 6 they can bring in their Chrome Book from home.


We will only be offering the English and Mathematics tests in Years 2 to 6. 

EnglishMonday, 16 August 2021 to Friday, 20 August 2021
MathematicsMonday, 30 August 2021 to Friday, 3 September 2021

Please email you are interested in one or both tests. 


School Wide Positive Behaviours for Learning (SPBL)

At Galilee: 

❏ We are Safe 

❏ We are Respectful  

❏ We are Learners 


In term one we revised and revisited our SPBL program focussing on being SAFE, whereby students learnt to make decisions that do not harm themselves or others. 

This term, RESPECT will be positively reinforced. 


What does this mean? 

❏ We care for people, property and the environment. 

❏ We treat others the way we want to be treated. 

Parents are invited to discuss and encourage these behaviours at home.