Community News 2

Emmanuel College News

Welcome back to Term 2. The change in weather certainly reminds us that we are heading towards winter. Our students and staff have certainly hit the ground running in Term 2 with a range of activities already occurring, including ACC sport where the Division 2 football team had a big win over St Bernard’s.


Also, applications are now being accepted for Year 7, 2023 and close on Friday 20 August 2021. A Prospectus Pack containing an application form can be requested from the College website, under the enrolment information tab or by contacting the College Registrar at or calling 8325 5119


Our annual Open Day is also coming up on Sunday 23 May at both campuses. St Paul’s will be open between 10.30 am and 1.30 pm and Notre Dame Campus will be open between 11.00 am and 2.00 pm. Registrations are essential and can be made from the tour & events tab on the right hand side of the homepage of the College website. We hope to see you soon.

Catholic School Parents Victoria