From the Principal's Desk
School Photos
Tomorrow is School Photo Day!
All orders should have been made by now. These should have been done online.
If you haven't, best you go to enter your personal Order and ID Numbers (found on your order form) and follow the prompts.
All orders placed online before midnight tonight will receive a free 20cm x 25cm black and white print with a bookmark.
Boys: Blue short sleeve shirt, grey shorts, grey socks, black shoes
Girls: Summer dress, white socks, black shoes (stockings/tights are not to be worn)
Jumpers may be worn throughout the day but will be removed for the photos. The Student Leaders, Sports Leaders and Social Justice Leaders need to wear their badges for photos.
As per our policy, long hair is to be tied back using blue/black or white hair accessories!
Photos commence at 9:00 am sharp so please have children at school on time and presented neatly.
We understand that on this day some classes have P.E. Children can bring a pair of runners to change into later if they choose.
School Athletic's Carnival
Our school Athletics Carnival will be held next Monday 26th April, at Moonee Ponds Athletics Track (Aberfeldie Park).
All children (Year Prep-Year 6) will be transported by bus and will return around 1:30 pm.
Buses will be leaving at 9:10 am so please have your children at school on time
Children will eat lunch upon their return to school.
Children will need to:
· Wear their sports uniform and wear a T-shirt of their team’s colour
· Bring a refillable water bottle
· Bring play lunch (please pack an extra ‘something’ as the children will not be having lunch until they return to school)
· Bring a small backpack to put everything in
· Have an extra-large breakfast!
Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to assist on the day. You will be contacted via email prior to the day confirming your attendance. Please note that some parents who volunteered did not have WWCC details fully registered and therefore we can't accept your offer to help.
Our Athletic's carnival is always a lot of fun so let's hope the weather is kind to us.
Lunch Orders
Lunch Orders are Back!
Our lunch order service through Robert's Street Milkbar will recommence as from next Wednesday 28th April.
The service will be available every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Orders are made the 'old-fashioned' way. Simply take a brown paper bag, label it with your child's name and grade, select your items, add up the total, and most importantly... seal the money in the bag. When your child arrives at school he/she will put the lunch order in the lunch order basket for collection and return. It's that simple!
I have included the Price list for your reference. You can also find it on our website.
Student Portfolios
We trust that you were able to make time over the holidays to celebrate your child's learning by exploring their Student Portfolio. Please return portfolios to school this week (with the Parent Comment section complete) so that we can continue to compile many more wonderful work samples.
Applications for Prep 2020
We encourage all existing families who have a child commencing school next year to submit their enrolment forms as soon as possible. Places are filling up fast.
Winter Uniform
A reminder that all children need to be wearing winter uniforms by the first week in May.
Uniform items can be ordered through the school office. You can locate the Order Form on our website via the following link:
Simply complete the form and email it to
You will then be contacted to arrange a payment and pick-up time.
Alternatively, you can drop off your order form in person at the school office.
Please note that uniform requests may not be able to be purchased during busy times or on the same day.
PE Classes Term 2
Please note the days for PE classes this term for Years 3&4 will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
All other classes will remain as is for the time being.
As per our SunSmart policy, students need to wear their hats when outside until the end of April.
School Closure Day
Please note in your diaries our next School Closure Day for Staff Professional Development is scheduled for Friday 28th May.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Anthony Hyde