Our room 3 students are continuing on their mission of reducing green waste at Hampstead Primary. Students are presenting a composting talk to all classes and supplying them with kitchen caddies and green bags. We thank the Port Adelaide and Enfield council for their support with the free bags.
All classes will use these caddies to redirect their green waste from landfill to compost via the green bins.
Some green waste will go into our 'worm farm' managed by Room 2. This will also provide us with some great fertilizer for our garden.
Room 2 and 3 classes celebrated our end of term learning with some cooking and eating. We shared pizza and mint ice-cream(with our excess of mint) , all class made....
At Home.....
If you are not already diverting your green waste at home, the following information might be helpful......
Port Adelaide Enfield Council supply residential premises with a kitchen caddy and compostable bags to make it easy for residents to divert food scraps into the green lid bin. Approximately 40% of household waste is food representing the best opportunity to reduce landfill.
Food scraps are placed into the kitchen caddy lined with a compostable bag and every 2 - 3 days simply tie the bag and put in the green lid bin.
To request a delivery of compostable bags or for a replacement kitchen caddy, please complete the online application form. City of PAE residents can collect a roll of 75 compostable bags from the City of PAE Libraries and Civic Centre during opening hours.