Deputy Principal's Update

“We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.”

Lloyd Alexander

Dear Parents,

As I write my page this week we have just been informed of the 7 day closure to assist in the current COVID-19 outbreak.  Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone of you at this time. 

As a staff and school community it is amazing how quickly we pull together to get through such a situation.  

The whole of our school staff are amazing, in only a few hours they have prepared work to send home for the following week and ensured that we can continue learning-even if it may look a little different to the classroom.

Every single family is in a different situation right now, the most important thing is the safety of all.  Please reach out to us here at school if you need assistance or have a question.  We are only an email or phone call away.

I paid up on my deal with the Girl's Football Team!
I paid up on my deal with the Girl's Football Team!

Please make sure you read the daily communications from your child's/children's class teacher/s.  Do what you can of the daily suggested work, again this will be different for every family.   

You will notice that teachers have suggested breaks, physical activity and family time.  Make the most of your daily 2 hour exercise time.  Go for a walk together, play a board game or find a favourite show to watch. Most importantly, the wellbeing of each of you is the priority.  We hope this is only for a short time and look forward to seeing you all together at school soon.

Australian Mathematics Competition

Lastly-For Year 3-6 students please email me if your student is interested in participating in the Australian Mathematics Competition.  This is an Online Competition across Australia/Asia.





Darren Perry