Community Announcements

Our Lady of Fatima is a community where the teachings of Jesus Christ are reflected and practised, where all children are empowered to develop to their full potential.


MotoV8 is coming to Melbourne again. The Rev presents a great session on motov8ing boys. I have attended Rev's sessions as a parent with my son and husband and I can highly recommend this. Rev is a little unconventional but delivers a strong message to boys. Some of the content covers attitudes, behaviour, anger, dreams and goals, emotions and obstacles. 


Booking information is here


Rev is a youth specialist with a passionate desire to inspire, inform and instruct young people to discover, live and fulfill their dreams. To help them expand those dreams to be about something bigger than themselves, so that they can add value to their world.


In his presentations he draws upon stories and experiences from his teenage years, being someone who himself made choices that saw his life go completely of track. These shared experiences help make a significant connection with his audience. Combine these with a no nonsense rubber hits the road message brings participants to a place where they are ready to be informed and instructed.


Every Monday morning at 9am - 10:30am in the school hall. Please note that during the circuit breaker lockdown, playgroup will not be running on Monday 31st May.


If anyone has lost this precious blankie it was found in our car park.