Premier's Reading Challenge News

Ms Barbara Shaw

Dear Trinity Primary School Community,


It is this time of the year again and we are very excited to participate in the Victorian Premier Reading Challenge again.

Please find attached a link to the Welcome messages from the Premier and Acting Premier.


By now all the students should have their username and password to be able to access the website and login in all the books they are reading.


The Challenge will end on the 15th of September and in order to complete it and receive a certificate, the students from Prep to Year 2 would need to read 30 books and the students from Year 3 to Year 6 15 Books.


This is a wonderful opportunity and fun event to celebrate reading and enjoy the love for books. 


In other news, the Library Leaders and I are very busy preparing for our Second Hand Book Sale which will be held on Monday the 17th of May and Tuesday the 18th in the Library. It will be open before school and during Lunch. 

There is a huge variety of books and you can purchase 3 books for 1.00 $. The money from the sale will be used to buy new books for the Library. 

We are looking forward seeing you there!


Happy Reading

and kind regards

Barbara Shaw