School Management & Communication
Reminders from the Deputy Principal
Uniform continues to be checked and letters sent to families when students are noted out of uniform on multiple occasions. In cold weather students should wear layers for warmth and observe school colours. Leggings must be under skirts or shorts.
The second Late to school detention will be in week 10 - notifications were sent in week 9. Unjustified late arrival to school from May 3 to June 4 are counted. Families are requested to send back the tear off slip with their student.
Safety on school premises - families must drop students outside the school and not drive vehicles into the school car park.
Early leave - requests for early leave should arrive by 8.40am on the day leave is required. Email, Schoolstream App or a note are preferred (these can be sent the day before). Please phone the school or come to the office to arrange early leave if you miss the 8.40 cut off.
Students should arrive at school no earlier than 8.15. Supervision commences at 8.15 in the library and canteen only before school. There is no after school supervision other than period 5 Monday when HW Centre is held in the library for Years 7-10 while Years 11-12 have class.
Thank you to students and families for your support in these matters.
Google Classroom Codes
Codes for Google Classrooms have been uploaded to the school website. This allows teachers and students to be prepared for learning from home situations. Head to Notes & Curriculum guides on the school website and select the relevant stage to locate them.
Subject Selection
- Follow this link to the school website to see Subject Selection information for Year 8.
- Follow this link to the school website to see Subject Selection information for Year 10.
- Follow this link to the school website to see Subject Selection information for Year 7.
SAM Update
As Term 2 comes to an end, I would like to thank all the caregivers and students for their continued support of our school.
I would like wish year 12 students all the best for their trial exams next term. I hope their last term of high school is filled with positive memories.
SASS changes - we have several changes:
Ruby Tonge & Helen Eade have been employed as full time SLSO to assist teachers meeting the needs of students in small group settings and classes.
Pamela Arrivolo - will be two days a week SAO in TAS.
Parent Portal - all reports are available via the portal. If have any issues accessing the portal, please let me know.
Finally, many thanks to the staff, executive and senior executive for their ongoing hard work and support.
Special thanks to the SASS and GA for their ongoing support - Rick, Cheryl, Daniella, Lucy, Brigid, Chantal, Dianne, Pam, Ruby, Helen, Jess, Nursu, Maria and Caitlin.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday.