From the Principal...   

Dear Parents and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


Faith in the future - I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.


This year’s theme for Catholic Education Week, “Faith in the future - I have come that they may have life and have it to the full,” is a combination of a quote from John’s Gospel and the theme for the bicentennial celebrations of Catholic education in Australia.


Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all members of a school community to consider the call of the Gospel to build the Kingdom of God here and now.


Director of Catholic Education, Ms Maria Kirkwood, encourages everyone involved in Catholic education to contribute to one another’s growth and journey towards the fullness of life.

“During Catholic Education Week we are reminded that Jesus is the good shepherd who invites us to be the best people we can be. In all we do in Catholic schools, we strive to help each person experience the love of God, thus enabling them to live life fully,” she said.


This LINK will take you to a ClickView video that was put together to celebrate Catholic Education Week and is a snapshot of the wonderful schools of our Diocese.


Reconciliation Week is also being celebrated this week. Please read the information on the Deputy Principal's page for details of how this will be celebrated.


Community Hub

Last week, Trish Lloyd launched the first event for our Community Hub. It was a simple coffee and chat that Trish described as enlightening. The idea for this catch-up was to share stories and to just get to know one another. I'm pretty sure everyone enjoyed eating my scones!


Next week the English classes will begin. Until we are able to have our own building we are able to use the facilities at Merinda Park next door to the school.


COVID-19 Update

Due to a recent outbreak of cases, there has been an update to restrictions that will come into effect from 6pm tonight.

  • From 6pm tonight all people aged 12 and older (primary students are exempt) must wear masks when indoors
  • No more than 30 people are able to publically gather
  • No more than 5 people may visit at home in the one day

For a full list of the restrictions please click on this LINK to be taken the Victorian Government's media release.


From Wednesday, May 26, any adult who enters the school buildings must wear a mask. All adults who attend the school need to sign in using the QR codes that are located around the school premises and at each gate, alternatively, there is a sign-in sheet for contact tracing purposes available at the front office. Any parent who will be inside the buildings for longer than 15 minutes must sign the Entry Declaration Form located at the front office.


We will keep you updated as further information is provided to the School and how this may affect the Sacramental program that is planned in June.


Thank you for your cooperation!


Michelle Bruitzman