Principal's Report

Return to school

The school has now welcomed back Year 7 to 10 students and school is certainly a vibrant place once again.


I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the entire community - students, parents and staff - for their hard work, persistence and patience during this latest period of remote learning.



Good luck to all Year 10 and 11 students who are currently participating in formal exams. These exams are an opportunity to demonstrate the learning growth you have made and receive feedback on areas in which you can continue to improve.


Extra-curricular opportunities

One of the best parts about secondary school is the opportunity for students to get involved in extracurricular activities. I know how much students have missed this in lockdown so I encourage everyone to get back involved, as we return to more normal school life and these activities resume. We have something for every student - art club, book club, chess club, debating, SRC, sporting teams, music ensembles, the green team - the list is extensive. Sign up for at least one activity when the chance arises.


Michael Keenan
