Supporting self care

Students at CESC are supported to identify positive coping strategies. During these challenging times, we have found that the level of stress and anxiety in our young people has escalated. Wellbeing Counsellors have been working with students to derive a list of activities, and things that they can do, when they are feeling overwhelmed. These strategies are also ways that our students refuel and practice self care.
Self-care refers to activities undertaken with the intention of enhancing energy, restoring health and reducing stress. Students identify positive coping strategies such as listening to music, chatting with friends, cooking, going for a walk and hanging out with people they feel connected with. Preferences are personal and reflect individual's interests, personalities and resources.
We encourage parents and carers of our students to support our work and to discuss with their young people, what do they do to feel good? What activities recharge them? What do they do that positively improves their mood? In the event that you are concerned about the stress or anxiety level of your child, please contact the Wellbeing Team and we can offer support and/or referrals.