Year 7/8

As the end of term approaches, it is a time for reflection on 2021 so far, acknowledging the successes and considering areas for improvement moving forward. Successes are profound for students in year 7 and 8, none more obvious than those students receiving their bronze and silver badges for RGAR points. Students are to be congratulated on this achievement, demonstrating values of Respect, Growth, Achievement and Responsibility. I know these students will wear their badges with pride and continue to strive to exceed their personal best, as will those continuing to pursue their first badge, or next tier.
I'd like to additionally congratulate award winners at the year 8 end of term assembly. A range of teacher nominated awards were presented to the cohort, acknowledging their efforts this term. Additionally, students with 100% attendance for another covid-interrupted term were presented with a certificate and 'goodie bag' by the year level leaders. A fantastic achievement, demonstrating engagement and commitment to learning. The year 7 assembly will be held early in term 3.
This last week, students have completed the annual Attitudes to School Survey. In 2021, the survey is particularly important as it was unable to be completed last year due to the covid lockdown. The survey data helps schools to plan, monitor and evaluate school improvement initiatives. This can include teaching and learning, relationships, engagement, programs, extra-curricular activities, and facilities.
Students are to be commended on taking the online survey seriously, understanding that their voice matters. College leaders explained to each home group that the data is analysed comprehensively, with results informing goal setting for each year level and entire school.
With the appointment of Meagan Cook to the CESC Principal position, Linda Buckeridge will be returning to the Assistant Principal post for Year 7 and 8. This means my time at CESC has come to a close. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all students, parents, guardians and staff for being so welcoming, and for their support over the last 6 months. CESC has been an incredible place to work due to the caring, supportive and engaged community. The culture of high expectations sets a tone for the great outcomes the college has and will continue to achieve for all students.
I wish every member of the CESC community a safe and pleasant term break, and all the best for the future. Hopefully our paths may cross once more.
Russell Lee
Assistant Principal