Winter is Here!

With winter upon us, flu and Covid stubbornly present Melbourne wide we know that families will be faced with difficult decisions about when it is appropriate to send children to kinder and when to keep them home.

In early childhood education and care settings across the city, services are struggling to replace teachers and educators when they are unwell due to the high numbers of flu and Covid cases.

It is really important that if your child has a persistent runny nose, cough or temperature that you keep them home until they are well. This reduces the risk of transmission to other children and staff and of course is much better for the unwell child.

The Department of Education is continuing to provide RAT tests for at least the remainder of term two which will support you to test your child for Covid when needed but it is important to note that even if your child is negative for Covid they are still unwell with another virus and should be kept at home.

As working parents ourselves we completely sympathize with the pressure this puts on you, but for the health and safety of all it is important.