Welcome to Country

On Monday at 3pm, Uncle Ian Hunter, a Wurundjeri Elder came to our school and performed a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony. These important cultural protocols have been performed on Country for thousands of years. The whole school attended, kinder and prep children were able to use tapping sticks, the whole school community learnt language and sang together. Uncle Ian Hunter performed the spiritual cleansing practice of the Smoking Ceremony, teaching children and staff of the special significance of this practice, he talked of his ancestry and connection to this land. He played his Didgeridoo and generously shared his culture with our community.

How special for us all to be a part of this event, especially during Reconciliation Week. 


Across all kinder groups Reconciliation Week has taken centre stage in our curriculum. 


This is an opportunity for us to celebrate Indigenous culture through music, art, stories and learning through culture. 

We have learnt about Indigenous symbols which are conveyed to share information between communities, to share Dreaming Stories and for art. 

We are sharing stories that highlight both traditional and contemporary aspects of life in Indigenous Australia. We learn about Bunjil through media, books and art and incorporate culture in our literacy and numeracy work. 

This learning is important for so many reasons, we are committed to action on Reconciliation as a service and see the benefits for Indigenous and non- Indigenous children as we learn together.