1/2 UR Religious Education

Ms Rivas

This week in 1/2 UR the students learnt about an important message from Pope Francis’ encyclical the Laudato Si’. 


The students have been immersing themselves in both scripture and activities about stewardship this term and this week learnt about what others in the world think and feel about caring for the planet. 


The students watched a video explaining the Laudato Si’s message and they all learnt the meaning of these words.  Students learnt they translated to, “Praise be to you” and the focus on this message was about how to care for our common home. 


Students shared in a discussion around promises they could make to God to keep their beautiful home called, Earth, safe, healthy and happy. Students wrote a pledge stating three actions they would do to make the world a better place. They included ways to recycle, care for the plants and animals and help those in need. 


All the students decorated their work and presented it to the class.