A message from the Principal

Ongoing Reporting

In amongst all of the upheaval of the last couple of years, the school has been working hard to improve the ways that we report your child's learning progress to you.


Instead of the lengthy written reports at the end of each semester in June and December, our teachers and students have been using the Seesaw online platform to regularly share photos, videos and comments about learning at SKiPPS.


The idea behind this change was to provide greater involvement and understanding for you in your child's learning during the school year and to allow students to take pride and ownership in their hard work at school. 


Whilst a formal report will still be sent home at the end of each semester, this would be a much shorter document, mainly allowing you to understand how your child is performing against the achievement standards of the Victorian Curriculum.


It has been an absolute delight to watch these online portfolios of student learning take shape so far this year and it has been great to see how many parents have logged in and interacted with their child's learning - leaving 'likes' or comments and records of the discussions they have had at home.


The teachers and students have shown real creativity in how they are sharing and recording their in-class learning. For example, the Year 5/6 students were challenged to demonstrate and reflect upon a skills they have learned in maths this term. By creating videos and demonstrating these skills, students, teachers and families ae able to understand the learning that has happened and what lies ahead.

Sharing reflections on learning in this way has been really popular with the students and provides an insight to parents that we otherwise would not have been able to share.


Similarly, Year 3/4 teachers have been able to share examples of student writing and make comments and so allow families to clearly see how their child is doing and what learning goals they have.


Previously teachers would have had to try and take this great learning, effort and excitement and condense it down into a short sentence for inclusion in the school report (often a couple of months later). How wonderful that families now have direct access into the learning and can see the work that is being done and the progress made.


When accessed alongside the semester report which will be sent home next month, we are proud that we are starting to provide families with a ar better insight into how and what they ae learning than ever before.


If you have not yet done so, I strongly encourage you to login to Seesaw and take a look at your child's learning portfolio as it takes shape and allows you to see how they are growing and learning at our school. Even better, sit down with your child and ask them to tell you all about it.


Neil Scott
