College Updates

Falls Creek Snow Camp
Have you ever wanted to try skiing or snowboarding, or never been to the snow before?
Here's your chance! Get in quick to secure your spot for the 2022 Falls Creek Snow Camp.
This camp is perfect for all abilities and all ages from Years 7 to 11. Chat to your friends and spread the word- FALLS IS BACK!
Expression of interest forms have been sent via compass.
See the poster for more information or Mr Scott in the PE Office.
Uniform Exchange
Uniform Exchange opens at 8am every day so head across and get changed prior to Home Group if you are not in full uniform.
The Uniform Exchange was born out of students giving us feedback - why have a uniform policy if it's not adhered to? A significant number of our students do the right thing and wear correct uniform every day and were tired of the students who weren't doing the right thing getting away with it. We looked at several ideas before landing on the Uniform Exchange which started August 2021.
We are absolutely coming from a place of support - support for the students doing the right thing every day and support for the students who are not in uniform and need some items to change in to.
I'm sure most of you are aware, but if you're not:
- the Uniform Exchange is open to all students
- all uniform items are brand new
- if you don't have the uniform item at home we can (confidentially) support you with purchasing the item/s.
- shoes and socks become the property of the student
- notes from parents are not accepted
- the uniform policy is attached for your reference
- this is not going away
Uniform Policy
Make sure you read the attached Uniform Policy above and make sure you are in full school uniform every day. If this is not possible please go to Uniform Exchange and we will assist you.
As the cool change comes, please remember that only Lowanna headwear can be worn and can only be worn outside. You can purchase a Lowanna College beanie from the General Office for $15!
Sustainable Living Expo
On Saturday, May 21st, Mrs Stewart and her team organised a sustainability Expo which was held at the Newborough Scout Hall. The day was a great success with many stalls, displays, interactive activities and workshops. Well done to everyone involved.
Domestic and Family Violence Awareness Day
On Thursday 19th May Lowanna held an awareness day for Domestic and Family Violence Awareness Month.
Our students engaged in various activities with assistance from Gippsport. Youth Space worked closely with our VCAL students to run a free BBQ which Youth Space funded.
Agencies from all over Latrobe joined in the day providing information, giving away freebies and chatting with students about who they were and how they can assist members of the community.
The agencies that attended were The Orange Door, YSAS, Quantum Support Services and Centre for Multicultural Youth.
The vibe out in the yard was great to see with students enjoying music, the free sausage sizzle and having photos taken with selfie frames.
A big hit of the day was the attendance of Maggie the Therapy Dog from YSAS. Students loved the opportunity to pat her and even have a photo or two with her.
The VCAL students did a wonderful job in putting together a great deal of this day. It was a day of fun, connection, laughter and raising awareness.
Elevate Study Skills Sessions
Last Thursday our Senior students had the privilege of participating in workshops delivered by Elevate Education.
Drawing upon over 20 years of research into the habits of the country’s top students, these high impact sessions were designed to help students improve their study techniques, increase motivation, build confidence and lift exam performance heading into the final stages of Semester 1.
Sports Academy Expression of Interest
Lowanna Sports Academy expression of interest for Years 7-12 for 2023, are now open and can be found here:
Please note all current students must reapply.
For more information or any questions please email or visit our website:
CSEF Applications- Close June 24th
Applications for 2022 Camps, Sports, & Excursion Funding (CSEF) will close on Friday 24th June 2022. CSEF is available for families with a current Centrelink Concession Card and contributes to the cost of Camps, Sports and Excursions. If you have recently received a Centrelink Concession Card, please contact our office as soon as possible and we will provide you with the relevant forms.
Senior School Formal
Tickets for the Formal are on sale until Friday, 3rd June. These need to be paid for at the General office and the receipt then taken to Julie in the Senior School to collect your ticket. For more information please see the letter sent via compass.
Please note this event is for Year 11 and 12 students only.
Year 10 Introduction to Law
Year 10 Introduction to Law students have been learning about criminal and civil law and how court trials are run.
The students had the opportunity to run their own mock court trial for a criminal case.
Here they are pictured participating in the trial with the defence questioning one of the witnesses.
Science Update
Year 7
Year 7 students have been investigating the States of Matter and how substances can change state (for example change from a solid to a liquid). In this experiment 7D students were investigating if salt had an effect on the melting and boiling points of ice.
As part of investigating States of Matter, last week 7C were looking at the properties of matter by making Oobleck. The fascinating substance has properties of both a liquid and a solid, flowing easily like slime but becoming hard and rigid when pushed. Oobleck is in fact what we call a ‘non-Newtonian fluid’ so it changes properties with pressure (google people walking on it online). No matter what state of matter it is, it is a mess! So if you want to make it at home make sure the spray and wipe is handy…
Year 8
Year 8's have been learning about the Circulatory System, including the heart. Students were able to complete a heart dissection and then one class even had a go at a role play and were blood cells flowing through the heart.
Year 12 Chemistry
Chemistry students have been designing their own experiments for an assessment piece which they were finally able to conduct.
Mitch Hauxwell-Tepaa Update
Former Year 12 student, Mitch Hauxwell-Tepaa left Lowanna College for America in 2021 to play basketball at Sierra College and here is an update.
The college I committed to gives me the best chance to transfer up into a higher division in a year or two. It is a super nice area, the weather is super warm, the coach is great and he has promised me a good role on the team where I can shine.
They have a similar play style to my high school so it won’t be a hard adjustment for me.
I did have other options with more talented teams or Division 3 schools, but I think here is where I have the best opportunity to be a key player on a team to transfer to a Division 1 or Division 2 school in a year or two.
Keep your eyes peeled though as I will continue to update!