Flynn (POP) celebrating 100 days of Prep


Can you believe our delightful preps have been at BBPS for 100 days? They celebrated this milestone by making fairy bread (a wonderful aussie tradition) and having their own dance fest in a virtual dance party. 


This fortnight has also seen pancake making, Olympic Games celebrations,  and spelling (the word of the week is "car"). Speaking of the olympics, preps have discovered that while it is summer in japan it is winter in Australia. Exploring the seasons has been a lot of fun

 ( 4 weeks to go until spring is once more upon us). Check out our front garden 150 daffodil bulbs are beginning to... bloom.

Daffodil 1
Daffodil 2
Daffodil 3
Daffodil 4
Daffodil 5
Daffodil 1
Daffodil 2
Daffodil 3
Daffodil 4
Daffodil 5



Elke (PW)
Christian (PW)
Teddy's pancakes (POP)
Xavier's (PE) swimming pool
Charlotte (PW)
Archer (PW)
Amelia (PE)'s colouring
Elke (PW)
Christian (PW)
Teddy's pancakes (POP)
Xavier's (PE) swimming pool
Charlotte (PW)
Archer (PW)
Amelia (PE)'s colouring

Grades 1 and 2


Our grade 1 and 2 students have been making advertisements, learning about the techniques that companies use to promote their products. In maths, they have been jumping into multiplication - using arrays, skip counting and repeated addition to solve problems.  In English, the book "Lost and Found" has been the basis for understanding  cause and effect, and exploring synonyms and antonyms. 


Beau (2V)
Elliot (2A)
Gah-Yun and Mee-Joo
Beau (2V)
Elliot (2A)
Gah-Yun and Mee-Joo


Grades 3 and 4


The Olympics have embraced by our grade 3 and 4 students. They have been reading articles about the history of the olympics, learning about the history of the games and discovering fun facts about the Tokyo Games. Did you know that the Tokyo 2020 medals are made entirely from recycled electronics?


Some other highlights have included: learning about chance and data, adding currency,  and learning about limericks and alliteration.


Rhys (3S) "I was proud of my Earth project - we had to write down interesting facts and then draw the Earth and Sun and label them"


Jack P (3S) "I wrote a limerick about my pet budgie - He's pretty special to me. When I was at the pet shop he freaked out and he jumped on me, which is what made me choose him"


Marta (3C) "I wrote a limerick about a polar bear who was black and white and later they discovered she was a panda!"


Charlotte (3C) "My limerick was about a teacher from France who rides a white horse. I am not sure why I chose France but I managed to find some good rhymes for it"



Jack P
Rhys, Jack, Marta and Charlotte
Marta (3C)
Jack P
Rhys, Jack, Marta and Charlotte
Marta (3C)

Grades 5 and 6


Our senior students are highlighting their talents as independent, self-motivated learners. Their creative genius has been channeled into imagining and  staging their own olympic games - using potatoes. Yes, you read that right (stay tuned for more on this in the next newsletter). They've also been pouring over data from our recent walkathon, using this to create a variety of data sets and graphs. Whilst this has challenged their thinking and extended their mathematical interpretations they have been able to see the relevance of calculating lap counts and money totals for each grade. The quest is to discover which class takes out the prize of the Pizza Lunch! Who would have guessed that harvesting your own data could require so much maths. See 'Awesome August' for how these skills will be further developed and challenged.


When it is fun - kids learn - its natural!


Students learn so much through cooking (see the below picture of Camille's cooking demonstration!), singing and playing instruments (way to go Fraser!) and creating their own olympic mascots as part of their specialists lessons (check out Kaevish's patriotic potato). 

Fraser's performing arts
Kaevish's Potato Olympics
Camille (5S) cooking up a storm
Fraser's performing arts
Kaevish's Potato Olympics
Camille (5S) cooking up a storm