Lockdown Stories

We asked our students to tell us their lockdown stories - the good and the bad. Here's what they had to tell us.
A Creative Escape
Heather, H9
While in lockdown I have been writing a story about my life, I love writing stories because it gives me away to express myself and writing stories is a way for me to communicate what is going on in my life and it's a way for me to escape reality and forget what is going on in the background.
Family Time
Atiqa, E8
I am with my family. I make food, and I play games with family.
Skills for Life
Nidarshan, F11
First a province, next a city, then a entire country, lastly the entire world. The COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic has affected us all in many different ways. For example, not getting used to lockdowns or the rise or fall of businesses. Throughout the pandemic, I learnt key skills and messages. Even though it may be boring not to go outside, our Australian Government is keeping us safe and by them doing this, we get a sense that we are living in a supported society. The key skills I learnt was adaptation/adaptability and courage. It was hard. It was difficult to adapt to online learning, but once experience was gained, it felt normal. Next is courage, braveness came into effect when I was sending emails to my peers and teachers about school work and communication to them. This gives me a sense of courage when I am sending applications for my future jobs through mails.
Simple Joys
Wajiha, B7
Lockdown is okay, for now nothing bad has happened which is good. I have been watching lots of kdramas lately, and have baked a few times as well. Whenever I'm free I do lots of drawing and paint but usually sleep lol.
A Bad Day Turns Good
Omed, E11
So the other day I was home alone on a weekend without internet for a couple hours, I found out that my mum had been fined for driving an unregistered vehicle, which made my day slightly more worse, I wanted to do a fun activity before I start work, but then I realised I had to go because my time schedule was changed, so without a car I had to take the bus which was just miserable. I had a tough day at work and overall not a very great day. When I came home from work by bus, I found out that my internet came back online, thankfully. So I relaxed and was able to hop on my brand new PlayStation 5 which made me so happy the rest of the day.
Missing Friends
Mustafa, E8
I'm going well with online learning but I don't like lockdown because it's boring at home. I want to see my friends.
When will it be over?
Hser Tha Htoo, D12
Lockdown is boring and not good to my health to stay at home every day. Why is lockdown taking so long? I want to go back to school and wanna see my friends and teachers a lot. Also this year is last year to me - I'm feeling so sad because of COVD-19. I hope lockdown will be gone quickly and I want go out to visit my grandma soon.
Not so bad...
Inise, E10
It's the best :) I like it.