From the Principal

A Challenging Time

There is no doubt all the lockdowns we have experienced so far have been challenging and tested us. This one, given the cumulative effect of extended periods of remote learning and the simple fact that it is number six, for some of us, has made it even more difficult.


Let me reassure you that students, their teachers, and our passionate ES team, are doing an amazing job of keeping everyone learning. I am still confident, however long this lockdown will be, we will get through this together and do so brilliantly.

Learning Online

Creative and engaging activities are taking place in virtual classrooms across the school and student attendance remains high. Teachers are finding novel ways to connect with students and monitor the learning taking place.


I invite you to read through this latest edition of our Newsletter to see the amazing things that are happening.


We are also looking forward to sharing some of these highlights and your student’s progress with you at Parent/Teacher Interviews on the 9th September. Details of how you can book in for these important check in conversations will be sent out later this week.


If any of you or your children require additional support at any time, remember you can contact your House Leadership Team or the Wellbeing Team on 9792 0561 or the Wellbeing Hotline 0402 014 795.

Senior Students News

I can appreciate that our Senior Students and their families may have many questions and uncertainties emerging at the moment. As soon as information regarding a potential lockdown extension is communicated, we will inform you of any changes to events or assessment schedules for the rest of term. At this stage I can confirm the following:


The Year 12 Dinner scheduled for Friday 10th September has been postponed. Currently we have not booked a new date, due to the uncertainty of restrictions in Victoria, but I will be meeting with Year 12 student representatives next week to discuss what the End of Year Celebrations could look like.


The GAT is still scheduled for the 9th September, and we will update you if this date is changed due to Government restrictions. UPDATE: The GAT has been re-scheduled for Tuesday 5th October.


The school’s exam program, due to in week 9, is currently being reviewed and we will send out a revised program after the Premier’s Announcement on Tuesday 31st August.


The majority of Year 12 assessments are currently taking place online. We will move these back to on-site processes when restrictions allow and keep you updated of any changes.

New Building Update

Finally, I wanted to share some exciting news with you and update everyone on the school’s building re-development.


The Food Technology and Design Centres are well on track and set to open in 2022.

Gabrielle Williams informed me last week that additional funding from the Andrew’s Government of $2.1 million to demolish the old Cleeland Secondary College and re-instate sports fields, is now in the pipeline.


Remember: good things are still happening, and Dandenong High School is continuing to move proudly into the future.


Susan Ogden
