From the Principal

Dr. Andrew Cousins

Today at the Secondary School Academic Assembly we had the opportunity to congratulate and acknowledge those students who had achieved outstanding results in their Semester One reports. We will have a similar opportunity in the coming weeks for Primary students.


The start of any semester also provides a wonderful opportunity for all students to reflect on their academic journey for the year thus far. As part of this reflection, it provides the chance to rekindle and refocus your motivation. At the start of any new term whilst there is excitement about reconnecting with friends and engaging with the co-curricular life of the College, sometimes the motivation to engage with academic studies requires a bit more of a concerted nudge. 


Motivation is something that is constantly changing, but what we know is that when we feel motivated our academic studies quickly change from a chore to a joy as we experience the love of learning. If we lack motivation, we are easily distracted by technology, what is happening outside or what we are looking forward to on the weekend. Very quickly the small tasks grow into an insurmountable obstacle, and it becomes challenging to remain on task. So here are a couple of suggestions that might help to refill the motivation tank as we start the new semester.  

  • Reset your mind: What restocks your emotional fuel? Is it going for a running, playing your instrument, taking some time out to draw and sketch? It may be that over the break you have the time to immerse yourself in these activities and have not needed to consciously engage with these practices which reset your mind.
  • Change your environment: Does your workspace need a revamp to start the new semester? Maybe it also needs to be refreshed for the term ahead.
  • Shake up your routine: Reflect on whether your daily routine is draining or building your motivation. Sometimes after a break, it takes a very conscious effort to get back into the swing of things.
  • Reconnect with your why: Do you have some clear goals for Semester Two? Take some time to reflect on your achievements from Semester One and use these to set a clear direction for the term ahead. These vital goal-setting conversations will occur over the coming weeks with your teachers and Heads of Year.
  • Look inward: You are ultimately in control and have been through the Care@Clayfield - Wellbeing and Foundation sessions and the Pastoral Support provided some strategies to support you to feel good and function well. Draw on these strategies to foster a positive ‘can do’ mindset.

I am looking forward to another wonderful term ahead as we all enjoy and are motivated about the Clayfield experience.


With yesterday’s announcement from the Queensland Government that they are extending the current COVID-19 restrictions in parts of South East Queensland for a further seven days, can I please ask that all parents/caregivers read the following information.


Face Masks

  • Students are not required to wear a face mask while on school grounds, including classrooms and the boarding house
  • Students over 12 who travel to school on a bus, public transport, or walk are required to wear a face mask
  • Staff are not required to wear a face mask when teaching, working with students or moving around campus
  • Staff must wear a face mask when they cannot maintain a distance of 1.5 meters from other adults
  • All parents/caregivers, volunteers and visitors to the College must wear a face mask whenever they cannot socially distance themselves
  • Face masks are required when visiting the College Uniform Shop or volunteering in the Tuckshop

 Check In Qld app

  • All parents/caregivers, volunteers and visitors to the College must check-in via the Check In Qld app, which is located at the Main Reception.

 School Pick-Up

  • Our preference is that you drop off and pick up your child(ren) from Circular Drive (Primary) or Bayview Terrace (Secondary) and not enter the College grounds.
  • If you need to collect your child from after school activities or Homework Club, please wear a mask and sign in using the Qld app located at the Main Reception.

If Your Child Is Unwell

If your child has any COVID-19 symptoms, please do not come to school, no matter how mild. They are to get tested immediately and then stay at home until you get their results. 


If you require any further information on the current COVID-19 restrictions, this can be found on the Qld Health website.