Curriculum & Pedagogy

Look to Inspire: Remote Learning in Term 3
There is no doubt that the teachers and students here at ECSC are adaptable. With yet another remote learning period upon us, I asked some of our newest ECSC members how they have found 2021 so far.
"I have had such a great time getting to know all the staff and students at ECSC. It has been challenging but incredibly rewarding. Seeing students have success in Science and Maths, tackle complex problems and grow as learners and people has made all the stress of 2021 worthwhile!" Nicole, Graduate teacher
I also wondered, how things may be different to what they expected them to be in their first year at ECSC...
"I did not expect to have spent so much time teaching from my kitchen table...that is for sure!" Nicole
What have you learned about yourself that maybe you didn't know before?
"That I can make differences to students learning from a computer screen. I did not think I could have any impact teaching remotely but just today I received great feedback from Year 7s and Year 9s that my online feedback has helped them to better understand their learning tasks." Lucy, Graduate Teacher
What advice would you give to others about how to stay motivated?
"My advice to other children around Melbourne would be to take breaks. A lot of them- it’s extremely hard to focus since you're on your screens all day either working or playing video games and what not. Taking breaks is extremely important. Spend some time with the fam or go outside!" Zeenat, Year 7 "Start writing down three things you are grateful for every morning when you wake up and continue this every day. You will start to discover different emotions and be proud of who you are and what you have become." Bella, Admin and Enrolments OfficerFinally, what are you most looking forward to about coming back on-site to ECSC?
"Completing AS MANY Science experiments as possible with my science classes and an oat milk flat white from Oreganos!" Nicole "Seeing everyone and having fun. I have a much easier time learning when I’m on site" Nitisha, Year 7
Students Baking Some Sweet Treats at Home this Week...
Looking ahead to 2022
With 2022 already in our sights, our Year 8 and 9 students have chosen their 'selective' classes for the coming school year, using our online subject guides. In Year 9 we have 15 different selective classes on offer across the year, and 20 in Year 10.
We are excited to be able to offer a wide range of exciting subjects for students to engage with, many of which will be running for the first time next year. Our teachers have sought
feedback from students this year about what they have enjoyed so far and from there have developed semester-long courses that cover the Arts, STEM, Literature, Health and Physical Education and Performing Arts areas, just to name a few. This level of choice gives students some autonomy over their own educational pathway and allows them to follow their interests and work with their peers in a supportive environment. Many of our Year 10 selective subjects will give students a taste of what to expect in Senior School.
Our most popular classes at Year 9 and 10 for 2022 are:
- The Edge of your seat
- Graphics, structures and products
- Psych! It's all in your head
- Build a business
- Eye of the Designer
- Laser Modelling
- Partners in Crime
Which would you choose?
Coming up...
- Teachers planning for VCE and VCAL
- NAPLAN results out to families
Maths teachers discussing student needs in their classes earlier in the term.