Science Week 2021

Science Week 2021
This week we have celebrated Science Week in a very different way to what we had originally planned for.
When planning the activities and experiments for students to participate in back in May, we were hoping to be at school to celebrate Science Week. However, as we all know, things are always changing so rapidly in the community and in Victoria, so we needed to put our thinking hats on and come up with a Plan B to celebrate Science Week remotely.
This week, we set our students some at-home creative tasks, as well as hosted a Kahoot for all students and staff to test their science knowledge.
Our Year 7's have been studying 'Forces and Simple Machines' this term, so this week we set them a task to create a simple machine in the form of a lever out of household items.
A special shout-out to Alex in 7F who filmed a video of himself making and explaining the lever - a fantastic effort!
Check out some of their creations below:
Our Year 10 Psychology elective students have been studying 'Neurons and the Brain' this term, so this week we set them a task to create a neuron out of household items.
Check out some of their creations below:
On Thursday at lunch time, we hosted our Science Week Trivia Kahoot for students and staff. The turn out was excellent and it was fantastic to connect with our science students remotely and have some fun together. All students received house points for their participation and the top 5 students received extra house points depending on where they finished on the leader board.
Well done to Camila in 9B for becoming our Science Week Champion and finishing on top of the leader board!
Thank you to the following students who participated:
- Antonio 7A
- Alexa 7A
- Apar 7A
- Mariana 7A
- Melissa 7A
- Samantha 7B
- Adam 7C
- Charlie 7C
- Isabella 7C
- Darsh 7D
- Stephan 7D
- Zainab 7D
- Yousif 7D
- Ava 7E
- Angelica 7E
- Miguel 7F - 3rd
- Fatima 7G
- Najma 7G - 4th
- Sendita 7H
- Bianca 7J
- Janna 8D
- Navjot 8D
- Nishtha 8D
- Olivia 8D
- Camilla 9B - 1st
- Angad 9E
- Filip 9F - equal 5th
- Hersi 9F
- Zain 9G - 2nd
- Oxley 10C - equal 5th
This has been a very successful Science Week in remote learning, and the science team look forward to returning on-site and having their classes complete some of the experiments they may have missed out on in remote learning.
Tiffani - Science Instructional Leader