Senior School Report

Congratulations to Year 10 Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Year 10 students for their Semester 1 efforts. 

Awards were presented for Academic Excellence in Exams, Academic Endeavour & Most Improved in all classes.

Hala, Anastasia & Nurynn
Hala, Anastasia & Nurynn
Shah'd and Hannan
Shah'd and Hannan


Academic Excellence

Academic Endeavour

Most Improved


Gurleen Sidhu

Assal Sakhrawi

Hayden Barnard


Sarah Sulaiman

Milan Varghese Xavier

Hanan Hirsi


Tamana Azizi




Ashwini S

Jovanjijo A

Sayara S


Layne Dellevergini

Lillian Abdulrahman



Jess Damjanoska

Layne D

Lillian Abdulrahman


May Chadha

Assal S

Daniel Gonzales


Hanan Hirsi

Milan Varghese Xavier 

Fouad Aboushamat


Gracy Malek

Reym Url  Kanindot

Koen Buckoreeall


Jessica Damjanovska

Layne D

Daniel S


Shreya Dass

Iqra Rizwan

Dante Billiet


May Chadha

Mikhayla Thomas

Suhuur Mohamed


Reym Kanindot

Seadet Ademi

Phinix Bui


Jessica Damjanovska

Youssef Chehade

Jazzmyne Rule


Sarah Sulaiman

James Dimech

Dante Billiet 


Hanan Hirsi 

Gwain Gwain

Jackson Dines


Aleyna Yon

Seadet Ademi

Nicholas Page


Anastasia Stojkovski

Shahd Saleh

Chris Bobby


Jovanjijo Antony


Lillian Abdulrahman


Shreya Dass
















Zainab  Al-Easawi


Hala Assad

D & T Wood

Reym Url Kanindot

Kenji Camporedondo

Naia Taimani

Investigative Journalism  

Adam Newman

May Chadha

Ahmed Shire


Jovan Antony

Sayara Sharma

I’Eisha Ekanayake


Kenji Camporedondo

Abdurahman M

Hayden Barnard


Siddu Nadempalli

Hanan Hirsi

Jackson Dines


Reym Url Kanindot

Seadet Ademi

Daniel Rahklin



Hanan Hirsi


Jordan, Ahmed, Milan, Dante, Hayden
Dee & Alyssa
Ahmed, Jordan, Milan, Dante, James
Jordan, Ahmed, Milan, Dante, Hayden
Dee & Alyssa
Ahmed, Jordan, Milan, Dante, James

Congratulations - Daniel

Daniel has been selected to represent the Northern Knights U16 Training Squad to play football in the TAC Cup. 

Remote Learning

To keep healthy in mind and body, consider the following:

  1. Stay Active
  2. Spend time outside
  3. Download the Free Smiling Mind App
  4. Chat with Mates
  5. Make a Homemade Meal/Snack
  6. Make a Music Playlist
  7. Declutter for 5 minutes a day
  8. Watch or read something uplifting
  9. Learn something new...
  10. Sleep - Exercise - Have a good Diet
Weight training - Boosts Energy Levels and Mood
Listening to music reduces stress
Cooking supports your immune system
Catching up with mates- Increases your sense of belonging and purpose
Weight training - Boosts Energy Levels and Mood
Listening to music reduces stress
Cooking supports your immune system
Catching up with mates- Increases your sense of belonging and purpose

Remote Learning Work - 

Students have demonstrated their commitment to the College value of embrace learning in their subjects. Below is a snapshot of some quality work completed recently during remote learning in maths, english, science, food studies and the human body in motion.

Careers and Pathways Update Term 3


It has been a busy term in Careers and Pathways for the Year 10 students. Students started the term by finalising their VCE and VCAL pathway choices for 2022. It was excellent to see so many students and families attend our Year 11 Information Night and seeing the motivation and engagement of our Year 10 students with the Career Counselling program. All of our students put in a great amount of effort when reflecting on their career aspirations and learning goals. As one of the Year 10 Career Counsellors, I felt privileged to hear about the aspirations and bright futures of our Edgar’s Creek students. 

In the past two weeks, Year 10 students have received assistance to apply for their Unique Student Identifier (USI). A USI is a unique code that allows students to apply for VET, TAFE, and University courses. We expect all students to apply for their USI code in Year 10 so they are prepared for VET and VCE next year. If your child has not made a USI, please support them to do this as soon as possible. Instructions can be found on your child’s Career and Pathways Google Classroom. 


The Year 10 students are currently in the process of revising the skills they learnt in their Elevate Education Study Skills sessions earlier in the year. Reviewing the information covered in these sessions will allow Year 10’s to further develop their independent study skills, which will be essential for a successful VCE and VCAL experience in 2022 and 2023.


VET students – Enrolment forms 

The College will be emailing out instructions to finalise the applications for VET subjects next year. When you receive the instructions, please fill out any blank areas in the application form and email the forms to Angela Narayan-Butler through the Compass portal. 


Students can expect to hear about the result of their application early in Term 4.

At this time, your child and a parent or carer will be required to attend a compulsory information event for the VET course your child has been accepted into. You will be given more information about this event closer to the date.


George -  Year 10 Co-Ordinator

University Open Days for Consideration


Federation University Open Day – now a virtual event!


The perfect introduction to student life at Federation University.

During Open Day you can find out more about:

  • Our courses, pathways, and flexible study options
  • Student support and scholarships
  • Industry placement programs, work-integrated learning, volunteer options and career help
  • Tune into course information sessions
  • Explore our campuses through virtual tours
  • Learn more about our high-quality TAFE programs
  • Have your questions answered by our expert team and student ambassadors, and
  • Other essential information for starting your journey

Courses include:

Exercise & Sport Science

Our Bachelor of Exercise & Sport Science teaches students interested in applied exercise programming, health or teaching, how to plan, implement and evaluate healthy living and diverse populations.


Information Technology (Professional Practice)

With important input from IBM in Ballarat, Victoria, the Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional Practice) focuses on developing graduates who are job-ready from day one through a combination of study and practical industry experiences. 

The final two years of the program also includes a scholarship worth $42,000.

Sustainable Food Systems - NEW


In the second half of the degree, students will pursue an interest by selecting one of Food Processing or Sustainable Food Production, as well as undertake an industry placement providing valuable and relevant workplace experience.


Bachelor of Performing Arts

Join the cast at one of Australia's leading destinations for performing arts studies. You will thrive in our dynamic community of performers and theatre-makers.

Your contacts at Federation:Cindy McKenzie - Mt Helen campusE: P: 03 5327 9120M: 0437 468 611

Please contact Senior School if you require further information or support.

Glen, Angela & George

Check out the VET champions

The Victorian Government has just announced the establishment of VET Champions to promote the range of career aspirations that the VET options can provide students. 


Follow the link to range of short videos which provide snap shot and short explanation of the students journey to realise their aspirations