Middle School Report

Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised by their teacher for their commitment to learning in English this term and consistently engaging in learning tasks. We have had multiple opportunities to see student growth this term and many students were nominated by their teachers for their accomplishments. The hard work of these students have been acknowledged via house points and awards and it has been great to see so many students continuing to excel regardless of the situation we face.
7A -Omar Mirza
7B- Kaitlyn Cashen
7C-Isabella Bottaro
7D-Darsh Garg
7E-Ava Lastic
7F-Bella Crea
7G- Najma Mohamed
7H- Collin Elambasserill
7I-Cassandra Mercuri
7J-Thomas Barden
8A-Dakana Dimoska
8B-Alara Brown
8C-Mohammad Alselaey
8D-Babaijot Virk
8E-Alhassan Alshuraymi
8F-Zyrah Nguyen
8G-Sandra Al Baba
8H-Bobby Lambevski
9A-Manish Kumar
9B-Aliza Kane
9C- Mila Apostolovska
9D-Kesan Moharaja
9E-Steven Al Baba Essa
9F-Jashandeep Virk
9G-Amit Brar
Year 7 Update
We have been very impressed with our year seven students adapting to their ever changing learning environment. We thank our students who have been engaging with their classes and continuing to embrace their learning. We also thank our parents and guardians who have been continuing to support both our students and the College by encouraging students to log on and engage with their learning. It has been very much appreciated by us all.
It has been great to see students connecting with their peers and teachers by engaging in virtual lunchtime activities as organised by our year seven house leaders and teachers. For example, we had a focus on Science Week and students were invited to attend some Science themed trivia. It was fantastic to see students getting involved and showing off their science knowledge! We also held Book Week where students had time to enjoy some reading and reading related tasks both in their English classes and during the lunchtime activities that had been organised. It was also great to see students get involved in the Challenge Afternoon. We had some fantastic work submitted for each of the challenges that were on offer.
Below is some information from our Year 7 House Leaders about how they are feeling, how they are coping with lockdown and their highlights from the term.
“Trying to get outside sometimes to get sunlight!” - Antonio Dellevergino 7A
“Teachers have used many ways to support every student to stay focused and log into google classroom to do work and will continue to do the same in the future.” - Najma Mohamed 7G
“Lockdown is something no one is a big fan of but during these times it is most important to take care of yourself and others by maybe checking in, giving them a call or telling them a joke. This will definitely lift anyone's mood up. If you miss doing your favourite sport maybe try something else instead. Try something new and gain a new skill and, most importantly, make sure your family and friends are okay!” - Hemal Sharma 7B
‘"Although we were in lockdown for a majority of the time this term, it was fun with lots of fun activities!"
"The RUOK? Day Kahoot was set up by Chantelle and over a hundred students participated in it. It was a lot of fun and was very competitive."
We hope you have a fantastic and well deserved break. We thank you for your ongoing support. Stay safe and make sure to continue to check Compass for updated information about term four.
Here are some of our 'Caption This' competition winner entries for you to enjoy!
Tanele Spiteri
Year 7 Coordinator
Year 8 Update
It’s hard to believe that we are already at the end of term. As the year is flying by it is important to take a moment to recognise the commitment our students are making to their learning, especially given the challenges we are all facing at the moment. Specifically, Year 8 students are to be congratulated on their resilience during this term as we have been in and out of lockdown, yet attendance and commitment to learning have remained relatively stable.
Special mention to our Year 8 House Captains, who have been busy trying to organise in-school and remote run competitions for our Year 8 cohort. Thank you to Shreya Monga, Aaron James Zoccoli, Victoria Le, Navjot Kaur, Nisha Baysah, Joanne James, Calais Larosa and Fahma Faseer, for the continuing dedication to organise events despite our ever changing learning environment, we cannot wait to see what they all have planned.
Congratulations to all Year 8 students for persevering despite being in remote learning. There has been a tremendous amount of effort put in by many of our students.
We have also had the opportunity to participate in a few extra curricular activities that were organised by teachers and students. Some of these events include Science Trivia, Challenge Day, IDAHOBIT activities and R U OK Day trivia. Congratulations to Navi Kaur from 8D who won the R U OK Day trivia and to Vince Formisano in 8E who created and presented his gaming Kahoot to the Grade 6 students from Edgar’s Creek Primary School. Both these students have shown our school values of aiming to inspire and challenge their thinking- Well done.
Here are some student statements
"It's been difficult going in and out of lockdowns, however, I'm very thankful for the teachers for helping us stay focused and making sure we are doing well. I am hopeful that we will be back in Term 4 and we can see our friends again :)."
We hope you have a safe, restful and well deserved break. Congratulations on a massive effort this term and we thank you for your ongoing support.
Thank you,
Sandale Ambegoda
Year 8 Coordinator
Year 9 Update
This term, the Year 9s have demonstrated tremendous resilience and adaptability as we move in and out of remote learning. Year 9 students have continued to engage and embrace learning tasks and challenges that are presented to them with determination and positivity. The school asks that all parents and guardians continue to encourage and support their child with logging on and engaging in remote learning.
I would also like to take this time to welcome some new students who have joined us at ECSC this term
- Amarlee King
- Rosana Stojanovska
- Jasim Najam
We look forward to what each of you will bring to our school community.
Lastly, starting term 3 our year 9 students will all have started their new semester long selectives. Here is some feedback from some of our Year 9 students-
“My current selectives that I am doing in year 9 are All around the world in 80 bites, Becoming an all rounder and From kicking rocks to making shots. All around the world in 80 bites, we are learning about different foods from different countries and cooking them. This elective is interesting as we learn about different foods from different countries that I have never heard of or tried. Becoming an all rounder, we are currently looking at different players and their skills, strengths and weaknesses in sports such as AFL and NBA. I like this elective because we get to research about different players and what type of skills they have in their sport they play. I really like the environment of this selective. It is a class where you can truly express your creative ideas, improve your own skills and produce some cool pieces of fashion! Currently, I am learning and understanding all the different types of fabric and how to use them best. There is a wide selection so there is lots to learn! Last but not least, From kicking rocks to making shots. We have been looking at the history of the Olympics and researching the history of the AFL as well. I enjoy this elective because it's very interesting to actually look in depth into the history of the Olympics and history of the AFL Club is also interesting as well because we are able to look at how many wins the club gets and individual players in the team.” - Leyla Zdraveska
"I really like the environment of this selective. It is a class where you can truly express your creative ideas, improve your own skills and produce some cool pieces of fashion! Currently, I am learning and understanding all the different types of fabric and how to use them best. There is a wide selection so there is lots to learn!" - Mila Apostolovska
"The selectives I have this semester are; Around The World In 80 Bites, Threads, Textures And Fabrics and All Systems Go. The thing I love about Around The World In 80 Bites is that we get to cook food from different countries around the world. The thing I love about Threads, Textures, And Fabrics is that we get to learn how to dry felt and sew and learn all different types of skills. Lastly, the thing I love about All Systems Go is that I get to learn about all the different human body systems that are in our body." -Filip Stojanovski
Thank you,
Christopher Menzies
Year 9 Coordinator