Principal's Report

Term 3 & Remote Learning
Dear Families,
Congratulations as you have all done well to get through the term of remote learning. We can all agree that the restrictions across Victoria have been difficult and have impacted on everyone in different ways. Many of you know from reading my Compass posts that the ECSC community has continued to do the best they can under these circumstances. It was with great pleasure that I was able to send letters and rewards home to students who have attended every online class; students who have continued to achieve excellent results across the term and to students who have shown improvement in both their learning and mindset during this time. Although there has only been a skeleton staff onsite I was proud of the steady stream of acknowledgement certificates that were being posted home to students. I would also like to acknowledge the endless Compass posts from teachers and support telephone calls home from subschool leaders and coordinators checking in on students and you during this term. The staff have continued to keep up a high level of communication and maintained their duty of care.
Currently, as I write this there has been no further update for metro schools on what the plans are for return to onsite teaching and learning in Term 4. The Regional schools will return to onsite for the last week of Term 3. Return to school will be Prep -2 and students completing Units 3 and 4 and final year VCAL. All other year levels at regional schools will continue to receive their education in remote learning.
Teaching staff have continued to choose what is the essential learning; adjust assessment accordingly; and consider different pedagogies to engage students across the different subject areas. However, there is no doubt that the preference for all members of the school community is to be back onsite for Term 4. Ongoing curriculum development and planning for 2022 and VCE/VCAL/VET is occurring at the same time.
Local Primary Schools – Staying Connected
The College was approached by Edgars Creek Primary School to support the engagement of their Year 6 students. From this the College has offered and conducted the following sessions with Epping Views; Harvest Home and Edgars Creek Primary:
- General Q & A with College Principal; Middle School Assistant Principal and Leading Teacher – Middle School
- Science Quiz
- Sport Quiz
- Book week Quiz
These sessions have provided the opportunity for the Year 6 students to become familiar with key staff at the College. It has assisted with motivation and looking forward to 2022. We have received positive feedback from all the schools involved.
Student Attendance
Attendance continues to be affected by the response to the pandemic. As a College, to continue to promote that regular attendance is one of the key contributors to achieving student learning outcomes. The subschool teams have continued to relentlessly contact parents/families via both telephone and Compass posts. The aim is to support families and students – encouraging students to not just log on but complete work tasks and engage in the video conferences provided. Please read the Attendance update in this newsletter.
Stage 2 Build Update
The final stages of construction are continuing with restrictions in place. I have received no formal updates as yet to the impact of this last extended lockdown on the timeframe. I know many of you walk and drive by the site and will be closely tracking the changes.
Current and Future staffing 2022.
We have already begun to forecast and recruit staffing for 2022. We will require approximately the minimum number of 20 teaching staff required to deliver our curriculum program. We will require teachers across a range of subject areas to support the delivery of the curriculum program for at least 1000 students. It is important that the College also provides strong leadership across our growing subschools. I would like to congratulate the following 2022 Leading teachers:
Leading Teacher – Middle School – Jasmine Almatrah
Leading Teacher – Senior School – George Conway
Leading Teacher – Careers and Pathways – Liam Ward (joining the College).
Starting in Term 4, we welcome a full time Student Counsellor/Youth Worker – Rubie Nhongo
Once again thank you for your support this term and stay safe over the school holidays.
Joanne Camozzato.