Prep -Grade 2

To finish off the inquiry unit on 'Healthy Lifestyles, Bodies and Minds,' the junior school classes participated in yoga classes on Wednesday 14th July!


It was so wonderful to enjoy being present and aware of our breathing and physical body; moving, stretching and posing. We learnt some interesting poses such as the tree, mountain, downward and upward facing dog, butterfly, cat and the warrior!

It was beautiful and calming to close our eyes and listen to a singing bowl and guided meditation story.


Sonal, the instructor spoke to the students about having a 'happy back' when sitting on the floor or in their chairs at tables and how important our posture is to support our breathing and strengthen our muscles.


We also learnt some yoga language such as Namaste (my soul honors your soul - showing thanks and gratitude) and Asana (body poses).


In today's busy world, it's so valuable to find opportunities to teach children how to be present, clear their minds and teach strategies for relaxation.


All the students spoke positively about the experience and the teachers will be investigating implementing weekly practise of breathing and movement exercises into the classroom.