Agriculture @ ASC

It’s been exciting times for Agriculture at ASC this year, particularly with the ongoing establishment of plant and animal enterprises on our school farm.


Our exhibition Limousin steers have recently arrived; and soon our Berkshire pigs will be here to settle into the terrific free-range piggery our students have built with the help of farm staff. Our Suffolk sheep are currently lambing, while our Isa Brown pullets are laying and enjoying their new home around our marvellous permaculture vegetable garden.  In addition, our glasshouse is in full swing with a whole range of plants. We also have some great horticulture plans including a mixed fruit and nut orchard in the future. 


Agriculture classes this year have focused on learning about plant production, soils, yabbies, pond and food gate construction, sheep and cattle handling, vegetable production, fencing, tractor driving and much more!


Last term, our Semester 1 Year 7 Agriculture class represented ASC at the Northern School’s Prime Lamb competition in Tamworth. The carcass results have finally come through and we achieved some outstanding results with our four lightweight purebred black Suffolk lambs. Our pen of 3-lambs were awarded the Reserve Champion in the Lightweight Lambs Competition - beating seven other schools. Our led-lamb was awarded third place out of 21 lambs. Great results!


Earlier this term, both our Year 11 and Year 12 Primary Industries classes went along to a two day Quad Bike and Farm Motorbike training course. It was held at our local TAFE farm site and was part of the competencies required in the subject. Everyone had a fantastic time and were commended on their positive attitude and excellent behaviour. Thank you to Paddy and Craig our instructors for sharing their invaluable knowledge and skills!

A big thank you to everyone who has supported the development of our school farm so far this year. Without the continued assistance from teaching staff, farm staff, construction staff and trades, we would not be able to have the farm to the point where it is today. There is still a lot of work to do!

Mr Fisher

Teacher - Agriculture and Primary Industries/ 

Farm Manager