Design and Technologies 

Welcome to Week 6 of Term 1, where we are busy baking, making and shakin’ in the Food Tech kitchen!


This term so far, the Year 10 Food Technology class have been investigating and learning about food safety, hygiene, product recalls and are beginning to explore food trends and influences.  They have been developing their own design briefs focusing on making homemade jam as well as  ‘Design a Jam Jar Salad’


The girls were asked to channel their inner ‘Jamie Oliver’ and build a salad in a jar, choosing from a selection of vegetables, a variety of proteins and mixed toppings.


The salad was then analysed in kitchen partners using our AFTA method – appearance, flavour, texture and aroma.  As well as naming, styling and photography. Then, of course, eaten and enjoyed!! 

The weeks ahead offer some very exciting practical and theoretical tasks as well as continued monitoring of our ‘hands-on’ hygiene experiment.


Cooking is all about people.  Food is one of the few universal things that really has the power to bring everyone together.  No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people eat, learn and share together.


Keeping that in mind, I cannot wait to continue exploring the world of food with this very dedicated and highly motivated Year 10 Food Technology class.


Alana Wright

Food Technology Teacher


“Food is a time for gathering together and celebration.  Cooking brings people together and we do this in food studies as we work as a team and share the recipes with our families.”

Ashley Kellas and Kate Girvan

Year 10


“Food tech is a great opportunity to enhance our food safety and preparation skills that we can utilise during and outside of school.”

Olivia Cleary and Chelsea Endean

Year 10


“I like food tech because it is an escape from the classroom, in a different learning environment, somewhere we can go and share our love and passion for cooking. It is nice to have the freedom to be able to design our own recipes and choose which ingredients we want. The salad in a jar prac let us have these options, creating unique and individual salads.”


Natasha Wain

Year 10