Classroom Reports

Welcome to 2021

Foundation and Year 1

Welcome back. I hope you have had an enjoyable break and managed to stay warm!  

This term in Inquiry, children will be investigating the properties of objects. Imagine if our clothes were made of glass, our houses were made of cotton wool and our cars were made from paper. When we design objects, we make choices based on those properties to suit the users. Through hands-on activities, children will be sorting and testing the observable properties of a variety of different materials. They will then design and make their own party hat; considering the weather it might be worn in. Let’s hope no-one designs a hat lined with sandpaper! 

In Literacy, we continue to learn some new sounds and ‘Tricky Words’. In Maths, we will be looking at patterns. We will also be using an online maths program called ‘ABC Mathseeds’. The school has provided access so your child can also use the program at home. Login details will be sent home soon.  


Mrs Tanya Chalmers, Teacher

Year 1/2

Hopefully you all had a fun, relaxing holiday and are ready for the rigours of Term Three! I’m always glad to think the days are getting longer – if it is a wet day at school your child is welcome to bring some slippers to wear in the classroom.

This term we are doing some Chemical Science and are looking at mixing substances in our topic “All Mixed Up”

This week we are reading different Aboriginal dreamtime stories and are learning about Naidoc Week.

Yesterday in Maths we had a close look at all the dollar notes in Australia. We learned about the different faces and people that are on the notes and also practiced adding notes and coins together, and recorded amounts.

Angel, Haize and Harlem enjoying their Maths session on money.
Angel, Haize and Harlem enjoying their Maths session on money.



Mrs Deirdre McKenzie, Teacher

Maths Pathway

Welcome back! We hope you all had a restful holidays.

Congratulations to this fortnights Maths Pathway champions. 

Maths Pathway




Year 5a


Leela with 167% (Cycle 8)
Year 5b


Violet with 267% (Cycle 8)
Year 6


Aiden and Eli with 200% (Cycle 8)
Year 7


Mia with 433% (Cycle 8)
Year 8


Charlotte and Charlee with 233% (Cycle 8)
Year 9


Declan and Nash with 133% (Cycle 7)
Year 10


Zen with 167% (Cycle 8)

Just a reminder that students achieving 100% growth rate each cycle is equivalent to one year’s growth achieved in the Mathematics curriculum. 

Congratulations to Mia for achieving the highest growth this cycle with 433% and to Year 7 who are currently leading the highest average growth rate this cycle with 164%.

Remember to make sure you are completing your assigned modules and revising them in preparation for your test. Students can see when their next tests are scheduled by accessing their Maths Pathway timeline. 


Miss Emma Milne 

Maths Teacher

Year 11 Business Studies 

The E&C’s Pop-Up-Shop has been postponed with a date yet to be determined. It may be later this term.  In the meantime, order forms and money can be returned in an envelope to the front office.


E&C’s Pop-Up-Shop is a short-term business activity being organised by Year 11 Business Management students. It is a fundraising initiative and all profits from the day will be donated to the Parents Association. The theme of the day will be

“D is for Doughnut Day”. Items available to purchase are Krispy Kreme doughnuts (both individually and by the dozen), toasted sandwiches, jelly, hot chocolates and coffee. Krispy Kreme doughnuts and toasted sandwiches will need to be pre-ordered but jelly, hot chocolates and coffee can be bought on the day. Coffee can only be sold to high school students and staff. 

* Pre-ordered boxes of doughnuts can be collected at the end of the day.

Ms Steptoe

Business Management Teacher



Welcome to Term 3! We hope that our Year 11 and 12 students have had an opportunity to rest and recuperate over the school holidays and are ready to hit the ground running this term. Term 3 is a big one for our students, and particularly those in Year 12 VCE. 


Managing stress and prioritising across the term is extremely important and we encourage our students to begin planning out their weeks to include designated study and revision time alongside work, sporting commitments and rest time. If any students would like support in this area, please speak with your homeroom teacher, Mrs Woodman or Mrs Barker. 


Upcoming events:


Year 11 Camp: 


Our Year 11 students head to Torquay today, Wednesday 14 July and return to school on Friday afternoon. The focus of the camp is to provide students with opportunities for team building, fostering positive relationships and developing personal skills and resilience. 


We look forward to hearing about their adventures when they return! 





Next Monday, 19 July, Year 12 students will head to Charlton to take part in the Tertiary Information Service. Tertiary Information Service are representatives from each of Victoria's universities, TAFEs and several independent colleges that travel across the state providing information sessions for Year 12 students working to finalise their post-secondary study options. Year 12 students will receive information on the application process for tertiary courses and the range of study opportunities available. The program ensures all Year 12 students can make well-informed choices about their futures.


A BBQ lunch will be provided for students before returning to school at 2pm. 


Please ensure to provide consent for this excursion through Compass or by contacting the front office. 


Year 10 VCE/VCAL Information Evening:


On Monday 26 July, our Year 10 VCE/VCAL Information evening will take place between 5 – 6pm. This session will discuss post compulsory options for all Year 10 students and include essential information for students making decisions for VCE and VCAL pathways in 2022. The session will also contain vital information about subject selections. A range of VCE and VCAL staff will be available from 5pm to discuss specific subject options and details. 


The information session will cover the options open to students in 2022 including studying VCE, VCAL and the continuation of their current VET courses. There will be a number of staff and students explaining the different pathways students can take in VCE and VCAL.


From this initial information session students will make decisions about the program that will best suit them for next year. During the evening an appointment time will be made with our Careers coordinator to discuss individual programs where required.


All students are required to attend and parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to also be in attendance to ensure everyone is fully informed. This information session will be the only opportunity where all interest groups will be available at the same time to provide information and answer questions.


Please keep an eye out for a letter outlining this session that will be sent home shortly. 




The rescheduled General Achievement Test (GAT) will take place on Thursday 28 July. The GAT will take place at the Wedderburn Trotting Pavilion between 10am and 1.30pm.


We ask that students, families and the general public please be aware of minimising noise around the venue on the day. 


Mrs. Lauren Barker and Mrs. Carol Woodman

VCE & VCAL Coordinators 


Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also received regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.