Spotlight on Learning

Year Five Camp to Sovereign Hill

COVID-19 couldn't stop the Year 5 camp plans as, luckily, we got away to visit Sovereign Hill for 3 days at the beginning of Term 3. After quickly saying our good mornings and then shuttling to our chartered bus, we drove to Sovereign Hill for 3 days of fun, learning and adventure.

Immersing themselves in the 1800s, the children were able to participate in candle dipping, lolly making (a Year 5 favourite), gold panning, mine tours, the Eureka Sound and Light Show, pantomimes and of course the costumed school program.

The children had an absolute blast with the wonderful experiences we all shared and were absolutely buzzing the whole time. 

Please see some of the students camp reflections via the links below: 


Students of the Week

Congratulations to this week's Students for receiving their awards last week!



PE and Sports News!


What’s happening in Sport?

Wow what a difference a lockdown can make! We have had to cancel and postpone a bit of sport but we are hoping with the reinstatement of interschool sport announced on Thursday, that we can make up some events along the way.  Hopefully I will have some more answers for some events soon.


Year 4-6 Athletics

This is currently scheduled for Tuesday 10 August at Ringwood Athletics Track.  Please look out for an Operoo permission form this week and if you are around and can assist on the day, your help would be greatly appreciated as there will be many events to get through.  These will act as the trials for the District Athletics Day which is scheduled for Wednesday 1st September. 


Year 5 & 6 Gala Day and Finals

More information to come when released from the Division Coordinator. Will let you know as soon as I receive an update.


Year 4 Gala Day

This is currently scheduled for Monday 16th of August at Sportslink (netball), Terrara Park (soccer) and Elgar Park (AFL 9’s and Tee Ball).  An Operoo permission form will be sent out in the coming week.  


EMR Cross Country 

We are still waiting on a scheduled date for the Eastern Metropolitan Region Cross Country for us to cheer on Lachlan Gee, in Grade 4, from afar.  At this stage it is postponed and an update will be sent when we know more.


PE Classes

Unfortunately lockdown has muddled up our term focus a little but we have still managed to keep active throughout and now that we are back at school we can hopefully charge through our program.

This week the years 4-6 worked on their skills for the field events of Athletics.  Particularly triple jump, discus, shot put and long jump.  I am sure all have been getting some tips this weekend from The Games.  I look forward to introducing the 5 and 6 students to Ultimate Frisbee this week and the year 4’s will begin our Rookie Rollers program.

Year 3 enjoyed their first session of Rookie Rollers, a fun, interactive way to introduce the students to Bowls.  This will assist them to work on their aim and accuracy skills throughout this unit and other games we play throughout the year. 

Years prep to 2 have been skipping the past 3 weeks.  We started off jumping over the rope in different forms on the ground, picked up our rope and forming big rainbows. For some, they were pros from the first jump, others had to work hard but didn’t give up.  Each student was challenged in some way and I have been so impressed by their determination.

Last week we also had many discussions about healthy eating, particularly everyday and sometimes foods and we reviewed the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and what this is.

As a Nutritionist, I am very passionate about sharing my knowledge on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, so I hope to include more of these conversations within this semester's program for all year levels.





PE Website

I have created a PE website where you will be able to find information on the programs we are focusing on throughout the terms and I will update as regularly as possible with information, some videos and instructions on what we are doing and how we are doing it.  I thought this would be a great way to keep you informed and for you and your children to discuss what they are doing in PE and perhaps review the skills learnt or further develop them at home.  Click here for access.


Any questions as always, don’t hesitate to contact me.


Catherine Wall

PE Teacher & Sport Coordinator


NCCD Information

Please find attached parent information sheet for NCCD