Science News

Vermont Secondary College

As Term 2 draws to a close, I would like to take some time to celebrate the achievement of Science staff and students. While the term has presented us with many challenges, including another period of remote learning, Year 7s harnessed their practical skills with separation techniques and forces. During remote learning, some families facilitated learning by assisting students with the creation of density towers. 


Year 8 have completed their chemistry unit, looking at physical and chemical reactions and during remote learning students were introduced to cells and the digestive system. Upon returning to school students were keen engage in some dissections to consolidate understanding of the circulatory system. 


For Year 9 students, the timing of the fourth lockdown coincided with studying the immune response and many used remote learning to create a disease fact file, while others were being introduced to the atomic model.


For the students in Year 10 science, the semester electives finished their course during remote learning period. The required effort must be acknowledged as students, and teachers, finalised assessments for task from home.  


Students of Physics undertook their Self Design Investigation and you can see some examples of student work below. 


The Environmental Science class engaged in the STEM process of identifying a problem they wished to offer a solutions. Students collaborated to brainstorm and create suggested solutions to the problems associated with our environment. 


For VCE students the week away from school meant that there was a period of assessment to be undertaken upon returning to school.


Congratulations to the students for the demonstrated focus and commitment in engaging with remote learning and applying themselves to demonstrating their levels of understanding on their assessments. 


Year 10 students will receive teacher recommendations for future Science subjects that will inform their decision making process for VCE subject choices. It is important that students review teacher reports, but also, remember to liaise with their semester one classroom teacher for any advice they may require. 

Flora Moraitis