Around the School -

The Office, Library, Canteen & OHSC News!

Office Updates:

Hi families,


We are all here to help during this lock down. Feel free to contact the office if you need assistance or just a friendly chat! 


The office is sadly saying a heartfelt farewell to Karly who has worked at RPPS for the past 5 years. Karly has taken up a new position at a neighboring school. Karly's sunny disposition and her valuable contribution to the school will be sadly missed by all staff at RPPS. The office staff wish Karly all the very best for her new journey. 




RPPS is excited to announce the transition from a paperless and cashless office. Now that our families are familiar with utilizing Sentral for recording your child’s absences and keeping up to date with school communications, we now feel the community are ready to step up and use more of this digital resource. School activities including excursions/incursions, camps and sporting activities will be uploaded onto Sentral and parents will be able to provide a digital consent on Sentral instead of signing off on hard copy notes. Payment can be made via Bpay – each family have their own unique Bpay code to make payments via Bpay 


The office will email a digital family statement to the email provided to the school. Please contact the office if you have any queries about this exciting transition.





The CSEF (Camps, Sports Excursion Fund) applications have been extended until 13th August. School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership.  All are a part of a healthy curriculum.


CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.


If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.


The annual CSEF amount per student is $125 for primary school students. Please see the office if you would like any further information or an application form. 

Prep Enrolments for 2022! 

Its time to enrol your kindergarten kids into school for 2022! Please contact Gwen in the office on 9303 9335 or email regarding enrolment. 

Sentral for Parents:

Please ensure you have the 'Sentral for Parents' App on your device to keep up with all school communication especially during lockdown when it is imperative to receive accurate information about school. 


Library News:

There are many long term overdue books which need to be found. So please, help your child to find and return them. 


Our Author Focus this month is Aaron Blabey. Aaron Blabey is an Australian author of children's books and an artist, who until the mid-2000s was also an actor. See our display of some of the many books he has written and illustrated. Perhaps you own one or two of his books!

Premier's Reading Challenge: the end of the Challenge is rapidly approaching. I need all participating students to complete their reading and typing their books onto the website before Monday Sept 6th to give me time to complete the process. Certificates for those who have met the Challenge will be given out late in November. 


Book Club: I will extend the deadline to Monday July 26th. Unless we return to school, all orders should be made online at or download the LOOP app.  Orders will be sent to the school unless you wish to have a home delivery at a cost of $10. Your orders will be safely held at school and distributed to your child in their classroom on our return to school.


Book Fair: Hopefully we will be having a Book Fair this year! It is scheduled for Wed August 11th -Mon August 16th. It will run before school, lunchtime and after school in the library.


New Books: Here are some of the new books which will be on display.



Kind Regards


Chris Quayle


OHSC Newsletter: