Year 4 Report

Term 3, 2021

Welcome back to Term 3!  Unfortunately the great start to the Term has hit abit of a speed hump, but the students are doing a great job online, and hopefully we'll be back in the classroom shortly.  


In Literacy this term, the Grade 4's  have started to immerse themselves in Historical Fiction. The students will be looking at various texts such as "First Fleet", Beth the Story of a Convict Child," "Bennelong and Phillip," and "Tom Appleby Convict Boy" to name a few. They will be looking at the structure as well as unpacking the authors craft in developing a good story. This in turn will help students to develop their own historical narratives using the events from the past and descriptive language. The students will learn how to add detail to develop characters and settings to their stories, as well as learning to sequence events and continue working through the process of writing. As students delve into these stories they will be given opportunities to deepen their understanding by practising strategies such as visualising, inferring and summarising, as well as discussions with peers.  Furthermore, the students will keep working on their reading stamina, by choosing their 'Just Right Books' and implementing strategies learnt to gain a deep understanding of the text.


Here are examples of texts that students will be exposed to.



In Mathematics this term, the Grade 4's will be focusing on multiplication and division. We will be looking at different ways we can represent our multiplication equations and practising our recall of multiplication facts up to 10, as well as deepening our understanding of related division facts. The students will also look at activities on volume and capacity, telling time to the nearest minute and converting between units of time. Students will have opportunities to work in small groups, and to explain and share their understandings. 


This Term in Inquiry, the focus is History. The Grade 4's will be exploring the years 1788- 1901, when convicts were transported to Australia. The students will be exploring historic figures that played an important role in that time, and events and conditions that the convicts faced.  We'll also look at how this impacted Aboriginals and the changes that evolved.  



      * Schools starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.10pm

      * Lexile Borrowing Monday, Wednesday and Friday after Lunch

      * Camp (TBC)



The Grade 4 team,

Carla Asta, Grace Rosella, Jess Baido, Natalie Squatrito and Amanda