Year 1 Report

Term 3 2021

Term 3

Hello and welcome back to Term 3. The Grade One teachers have been busy preparing engaging activities for you all. We have many exciting things planned, including our Grade One Stay Late at the end of term!


At the end of term 2 all of the Grade One classes went on a community walk as part of our inquiry unit of work. Here are some photos of where we went on our walk.


Below are some photos of our Olympic Day from the end of Term 2. All of the students enjoyed using their gross motor skills and working as a team to earn points for their house colour.


In Numeracy, Grade One students are consolidating counting by 1s and skip counting forwards and backwards by 5s, 10s and 2s to 100. Students have already started this by completing 100 and 120 chart puzzles on the iPads!

After revisiting counting, students will explore early multiplication concepts through sharing activities. They will create their own sharing stories using concrete materials, learn how to make a fair share and identify whether there are any remainders after sharing. Later in the term, student will learn about telling time to the half hour. They will make clocks to identify the parts of an analogue clock and learn about the purpose of the features of clocks. Students will practice making and identifying time to the half hour on analogue and digital clocks. At the end of the term, students will learn how to measure capacity through hands on experiences such as measuring how much sand, rice or water a container can hold. They will learn how to estimate before measuring and compare and order capacities of objects. 



In Reading, Grade One students will be learning about non-fiction books and their features. They will be exploring the structure of non-fiction books, understanding why they are important and learning how to recall facts from non-fiction books. Students will be analysing the differences between fiction and non-fiction books by looking at a range of different text types. 

Students will be continuing to practice their independent reading for 10 to 15 minutes each day. During this time, teachers will be taking guided reading groups with selected students each day to practice individualised reading goals and selected reading strategies. Towards the end of term, students will be using prior knowledge to predict before reading and will be asking questions before, during and after the text. This will allow students to build on comprehension skills whilst they are engaging in their reading.  


In Writing, Grade One students will be focusing on non-fiction texts and how to record and categorise interesting facts about given topics. They will be exposed to a range of non-fiction texts and learn how to source and record important information by using dash points, as well as listing information into main categories.  Students will also implement features of non-fiction texts into their own writing such as headings, subheadings, diagrams, pictures and labels, with the aim of writing their own non-fiction booklet.  


Some non-fiction topics students have explored and written about so far include: 


This term, students will be introduced to the concept of ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ with the daily practice of their Oxford Spelling Words each morning. Students are also encouraged to read and write these words at home each night after reading their ‘Take Home Book.’ 


In Inquiry, Grade One students will be looking at the unit ‘Celebrating Differences’. Students will understand how Australia is made up of many cultures with similarities and differences. Students will consider what celebrations are important to different people, how celebrations differ in Australia, what cultures shape Australia, what is unique about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ceremonies and celebrations and what can we learn about other cultures through their art, songs, stories and dance. Towards the end of term, Grade One students will be looking forward to having a guest speaker talk to them about celebrations that are a special part of their culture. Students will acknowledge their learning with a ‘Cultural Celebration Day’.  


  • School starts at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10 - please make sure you are on time
  • Red folders are to be returned to school each day for notes and home readers to be changed over
  • Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check is to be completed weekly at home
  • Please provide, fruit snack, lunch and recess snack each day
  • Please bring a water bottle each day for use in class
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence


The Grade One Team 

Katherine Richardson, Emily Routley, Rosie Borg and Melissa Fitzpatrick.