Prep Report


Welcome back to another exciting term at Roxburgh Park Primary School. There have been some exciting changes for the Prep Cohort this term! Both Prep classes have new teachers who will be with them for the remainder of the year. Miss Hazama is the teacher in Prep A and Miss Reynolds is the teacher in Prep B. The students have settled in well with their new teachers. Miss Neo will be leaving us at the end of week 2 to move to New South Wales. We wish her the best of luck. We look forward to a safe, productive and exciting Term 3! 

Miss Hazama
Miss Reynolds
Miss Hazama
Miss Reynolds




In Reading this Term, Prep students will focus on features of fiction texts. They will identify the 4Ws (Where? When? Who? What?) in texts and practice making text to self and text to text connections. Students will continue to practice word solving strategies, such as, using picture cues and getting their mouth ready to figure out how to read tricky words. They will also work on improving their fluency by paying attention to punctuation and bold words in texts. Students will continue to practice their Oxford words, learning four new words a week and spot them in their daily reading books.





In Writing this Term, Prep students have been learning about how to write recounts. They are learning to identify the 4Ws in recounts and are starting to include these features in their own writing. Students are writing recounts through personal experiences, including their language experiences based on the letter of the week. Students will continue to practice rehearsing their message prior to writing, draw a picture to accompany their writing, practise labelling their picture, and applying their knowledge of their letter-sounds and relevant punctuation to further support their writing.


Doing yoga for our language experience.
Doing yoga for our language experience.



In Numeracy this Term, Prep students have started to explore partitioning. Students have used concrete materials to learn about friends of ten. Students will continue to use concrete materials to explore addition and subtraction. They will practice adding and subtracting numbers by telling verbal action stories, manipulating concrete materials, and recording their findings through drawings. Students will also begin to explore different units of measurement. They will use informal units to measure lengths of different objects and compare these lengths. Students will also work on comparing mass and capacity through hands-on activities.





In Inquiry this Term, Prep students will be exploring the topic "Celebrations". Students will begin to learn about different celebrations and why they are special to people. They will learn about and compare different types of celebrations and begin to develop knowledge about cultures in their community and world. Students will learn about cultures through reading and listening to narratives and participating in celebrations. 


Watching a video and having discussions about celebrations.
Watching a video and having discussions about celebrations.


  • School starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:10pm
  • Take Home Readers (Red Folders) will go home every night and are to be returned to school every morning. Readers will be changed on a Friday and handed back out on a Monday
  • Students to bring fruit and labelled drink bottles everyday
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence.

The Grade Prep Team

Chisako Hazama and Ashley Reynolds