Flora & Fauna


Term 3 brings with it the beginning of a new rotation for our Flora and Fauna programme. The students are learning how to make pakora (a delicious Indian crisp fried snack made with flour, spices and vegetables). Students are practising their skills in cutting, weighing, measuring, grating and frying (safely!). The smells emanating from our Gallery space are just beautiful.



In Science students are investigating the topic of ‘Melting Moments’ and are investigating the properties of ice and how/why ice melts and the impact this has on our environment. In our Sustainability subject the students are learning about their Ecological Footprint. They are investigating how energy, water and waste impact our Ecological Footprint and what we as individuals and as a society can do to reduce our footprint on the land.



The students have been busy picking up rubbish to maintain our beautiful garden beds and grounds. We are a ‘nude food’ school so it’s a timely reminder for all students to minimise the amount of single use plastics and wrappers they have in their lunch boxes, as so many are ending up dumped around our school. Students also did a tremendous job raking the Green Mile – it looks fantastic! 

Students learned about propagation and propagated rosemary ready to be re-planted in other areas of our school. Students also turned the soil in some garden beds ready for new seedlings next week. A very busy time in our gardens and grounds with lots to do!


Level 3 Team