The View Vitals

Check here for important updates for you to action

This Week's Actionable Items

Sibling Enrolments

Thank you to all the families who have sent through their enrolment forms and accompanying documentation for their children who are commencing Foundation at Rangeview in 2022. 


If you have not enrolled as yet we would encourage you to do so asap so that we can keep you up to date with transition programs.


Please download from the Rangeview website and return completed Student Enrolment Form along with the Get to Know You Form, a copy of the child's Birth Certificate & Immunisation Records and include a copy of your latest electricity or gas bill.  Thank You. 

Level 4 Camp

Permission and payments have been published to the Sentral Parent Portal.  Deposits of $185 should now have been paid for  camp. Final payment of $180 is due by 4th August.


Once we return to onsite learning it is imperative that each and every time you visit the school even for a short while you QR code at one of our many checkpoints. 


All parents, carers when assisting in the classrooms must log into the Office Kiosk upon arrival at the school and QR code.  Please remember to sign OUT when leaving.  All visitors and parent helpers MUST have a valid WWC check.  If you are not sure if you have already provided a copy to the office our friendly office staff are happy to check our records for you.