Staff Profile

Jen Scharkie

Enrolments Manager

When did you join The Friends' School?

I commenced at Friends’ as the Enrolments Manager in September 2013.


How did you end up working in Enrolments? 

 I took the long way around to arrive into Enrolments. For 10 years I worked as a Director of Boarding and as an International Registrar. I loved my time with the students but wanted a change and went to work in a company that marketed internationally for independent schools across Australia.  I travelled to exciting destinations and far away places such as India, Russia, Brunei and UAE; countries far different from the usual European or Asian countries I had visited previously. After a few years, I had had enough of travelling six months of the year and I struggled with never seeing the students and families I had met and enrolled. I made the decision to find a job that put me back amongst students and a school community.


Where is your favourite place in the world?

Other than my bed on Sunday mornings, I have two favourites: Eaglehawk Neck and Jaipur in India.


Why Friends? 

Friends’ had always been a bit of a mystery to me and to be honest I was not entirely sure I would fit in. However, by the end of my first week of working at the School, I found myself telling everyone and anyone who would listen how inspiring the students were and what a kind place it was to work. I still believe this five years on.


Who is your "hero"? 

My four daughters are amazing people, however, my husband is my very own hero.