Information for Parents

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is hosted on a Monday and Wednesday morning from 8.40am.  Students are welcome to enjoy breakfast with us at school. Toast, cereals and fruit provided for hungry tummies. Please sign in at the Staff room and enjoy a relaxed breakfast before school starts.  Many thanks to Dayna Lightowler who is  coordinating Breakfast Club. 

School Therapy Dog

Kodak visited school and met some very excited students on Friday. She was beautifully behaved during assembly and fell asleep after a busy afternoon of snuggles. Kodak is undergoing special training and will soon be visiting us regularly as our Loch therapy dog


Please ensure that you notify the office or complete the absence / attendance details on COMPASS when your child is not at school.  Notices advising parents of their child's non attendance at school were sent home on Friday.  Parents have a legal obligation to notify the school of the reason why their child did not attend.  You are able to complete the paper form and return to the school office or log on to COMPASS to provide your child's absence details.  All families are asked to have their attendance information up to date by Wednesday 24th June please.

School Uniforms

The weather has turned considerably colder and wetter over the past few weeks. Families and students are reminded that all students are expected to wear school uniform each day however coats and boots are also recommended and encouraged.  For extra warmth students are encouraged to wear thermals or singlets under their uniform clothing if necessary.  All classrooms have heaters and teachers ensure that learning spaces are appropriately warm. This means that coats and extra jackets are not required in classrooms and should not be worn in replacement of school uniform jackets.   It is understandable that on occasion washing may not have dried in time for school and students need to wear other clothing items. However families are asked to make an effort to ensure children are wearing uniform items or navy blue alternatives.  Navy beanies and scarves may also be worn.  Many thanks in anticipation for your cooperation.


Our school uniforms are now in stock at the Burra Sports & Cycles store in Korumburra. We thank everyone for their patience  as we changed supplier.  We hope that this new arrangement with Burra Sports & Cycles will be convenient and efficient for families.

Families are able to try on for sizing and purchase directly from the store. 

59 Commercial St

Korumburra, Victoria

Call (03) 5655 1724

Earn & Learn is nearly finished!

Earn and Learn is nearly over. Please bring in all of your stickers to the office so we count them up and send them off. Thank you to everyone who has already contributed.

Little Loch Lyrebirds

Play Group

Due to demand from our families we have started a playgroup at school. This is currently being held on a Thursday morning (day may change dependent on family needs) from 9.15am until 10.45am in the Kookaburra Room.   There is no cost for this playgroup however all participating families will need to arrange from membership with Playgroup Victoria.

Working With Children Checks

Working With Children Check

On August 1st 2017 amendments were made to the Working with Children Act. The Act now states that even if a person’s contact with children as part of child-related work is supervised by another person, they will still need a Working with Children check.


Loch Primary School’s  Working with Children Check policy states that we require any person undertaking volunteer work at our school to have a valid Working with Children check. This includes helping out in the classroom, participating in working bees, attending camps, accompanying classes on excursions, helping at disco’s etc.



*If you are volunteering at Loch Primary School and already have a Working With Children Check can you please present it to the School Office where they will take a photocopy and your name will be added to the School register.

 *If you don’t have a valid Working with Children check you can fill the form in online and lodge it at Australia Post. The link to the website is provided below for your convenience.

Working With Children Checks are free for volunteers.


People who are exempt from holding a working with Children Check are:

  • Student volunteers (e.g. work experience students)
  • Registered Teachers who have a permission to teach from the Victorian Institute of Teaching
  • Police Officers
  • Visitors to the School (e.g. grandparents who visit the school for Grandparents Morning Teas, visitors who come to watch Assembly) The decision on which events require a Working with Children Check is made by the authority of the Principal.


Families are reminded that students should not attend school if they are unwell.  Students who are coughing and sneezing and full of phlegm are asked to stay home until well.   In particular students who have been unwell with gastroenteritis are not to return to school until there has not been a loose bowel movement for 24hours.  Please see the link to the school exclusion table.


Please be mindful of other students, staff and families and be aware that sending your unwell child to school often results in a cycle of many students and staff becoming ill.   It is also highlighted to families that the Vanderland family is particularly susceptible to llnesses being brought home with life threatening consequences for Elliot. 


It is also timely to remind your children about good hygiene practices such as hand washing and covering mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing.


Attendance at school is important however if students are unwell they are unlikely to be able to concentrate and learn and highly likely to share their illness with other students and staff which then affects the attendance of many.  Please do contact the office and let us know if your child is unwell.



Term 1 29th Jan to 5th April

Term 2 23rd April to 28th June

Term 3 15th July to 20th September

Term 4 7th October to 20th December